Étaín is sometimes associated with the name of the ancient Celtic sun goddess, which is derived from ét meaning "jealousy". Etain is also an unusual surname for all people. Name - EALGA. (Please contact usif the name is used in your country or language and you would like to contribute). Ebliu – another name of the sun goddess; or the Irish word oiph “beauty, sheen, radiance.” Eibhliu, Eblenn, Eibhleann. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Etain in Irish is Etaoin. Fine if you live in a Gaelic speaking place, less good if you move to somewhere else. If you consider naming your baby Etain we recommend you take note of the special … In Irish mythology sh What's the Irish form of Etain? In Celtic Baby Names the meaning of the name Etain is: A fairy. Etain was a maiden of the Tuatha Dé Dannan, renowned for her incredible beauty, who fell in love with Midir of the seven-pointed spear. Unfortunately for Etain, Midir's wife took exception to this, and Etain had to endure terrible hardship as a consequence. The approximate pronunciations are given, as names vary in dialects. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; the lenited (or aspirated) dotted "c" has been altered to "ch", and the dotted "g" to "gh", etc. Meaning - FAIR. . Etaoin is Etain in Irish. amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Baby"; If you consider naming your baby Etain we recommend you take note of the special … As in, ‘I’m going to the Jacks’. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "bnoi20-20"; ENGLISH: Anya, Anna, Hannah. Etain is a Girl name, meaning Jealousy, King, Yellow in irish origin. Eadan – (AH-dan) Old Irish=name Etan, borne in one tale by the beloved of the hero Cu Chulainn. In the Irish myth of "The Wooing of Etain", Etain is a beautiful woman loved by the god Midir the … amzn_assoc_linkid = "d462edac7ecff85f38f5fbefb2a74450"; Étaín is sometimes associated with the name of the ancient Celtic sun goddess, which is derived from ét meaning "jealousy". Search for more names by meaning. If your dog has Irish roots, or you own an Irish breed, such as an ‘Wolfhound’ or ‘Terrier’, then our list might contain the perfect Irish dog name to match your dog’s heritage!. The meaning, origin, popularity and detailed name information of Étaín. Modern Irish Aoibheann. Search for the Perfect Baby Name Irish Background As the twentieth largest island in the world with only about 6.5 million people, Ireland has a bloody history due to its two main divided parts – the Republic of Ireland with Dublin as the capital and Northern Ireland, a part that has always been under the rule of … amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Her immense physical and spiritual beauty enthralled a member of the fairy folk and made her the heroine of the tale ‘The Wooing of Etain’. The girl's name Etain is an Irish name meaning: "jealously". ADVERTISEMENT. Iseult, a mythological Irish princess, was en route to marry King Mark of … Iseult. In Irish, the name Etain means - a fairy. The beautiful country of Ireland has produced some of the world’s most beautiful human names, many of which are perfect dog names!. Awesome Irish cat names for your kitten. Here's the word you're looking for. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018). Lovely name, my only reservation would be the number of accents on it. Other origins for the name Etain include - Irish, Celtic.The name Etain is most often used as a girl name or female name. Find more names at wordhippo.com! Find out more name translations into Irish in Ireland101 The Etain of Irish mythology was a beautiful fairy turned into a fly (or in some versions, a butterfly), by a jealous queen. Aine is connected with fruitfulness and prosperity. Submit the origin and/or meaning of Etaoin to us below. Apologies if I have mispelled the names. MEANING: From et meaning “jealousy.” Etain surpassed all other women of her time in beauty and gentleness and thus was an object of jealousy herself. Etain as a girls' name is of Irish and Gaelic origin. Instead, you put something in the ‘press’! Here is the master list of Irish names. Meaning of the Irish name Etain. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. ÉTAÍN: Irish name derived from the word éadan, Old Irish étan, cognate with Gaelic aodann ("face"), Latin ante ("against") and Sanskrit ánti ("opposite"). For cool Irish baby names outside of the box, go beyond the Americanized classics like Erin, Shannon, Connor, or Rory. Even though Étaín 2 doesn’t remember him at all, she’s totally cool with marrying him (! She was the wife of Midir, but his jealous first wife Fuamnach transformed her into a fly. Iseult. In Irish mythology she is the subject of the 9th-century tale The Wooing of Étaín [1]. Further information about the name Étaín, may be found in: OCM (p. 90 s.n. Lovely name, my only reservation would be the number of accents on it. The use word Éireann is a grammatical representation of ownership and is only used in the context of something belonging to Ireland, i.e. Origin - Ireland. Meaning & History. She was the second wife of Midir, and their marriage caused no little jealousy in the heart of his ex, Fúamnach.With a little help from friends, she magically changed Étaín into a pool of water.. Midir, very perplexed when his wife went missing, started investigations on a Godly scale.To keep ahead of the game, Fúamnach then changed Étaín into a worm. These names tend to be more frequently used than Etain. In any case, Étaín doesn't leave a neutral impression on those she meets and her distant and apparently disdainful demeanour is certainly a factor in making her appear enigmatic. She was the wife of Midir, but his jealous first wife Fuamnach transformed her into a fly. When she was finally able to return to Ireland she fell into a glass of wine which was drunk by a woman who longed for a child. MEANING: From et meaning “jealousy.”. amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; Weird things about the name Etain: The name spelled backwards is Niate. Étaín). For your consideration I present Étaín, heroine of Irish mythology, who: spent her life being shunted around a ludicrous number of suitors; was transformed at various points into a worm, a butterfly, a swan, and a pool of water; and induced one of the strangest pregnancies since Jesus. Hoorah! Find the complete details of Etain name on BabyNamesCube, the most trusted source for baby name meaning, numerology, origins, similar names and more! On the last available year for each country, we count 0 birth. Irish Name Meaning - a fairy. Answer. Meaning - NOBLE. Back to Irish Girl Nameseval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'babynamesofireland_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',105,'0','0'])). Listen and learn how to pronounce Etain so you can get the correct pronunciation for this Irish girl name. She also figures in the Middle Irish Togail Bruidne Dá Derga. Consider one of these 127 Irish baby names — and finally learn how to pronounce Saoirse while you're at it. Étaín or Édaín is a figure of Irish mythology, best known as the heroine of Tochmarc Étaíne, one of the oldest and richest stories of the Mythological Cycle. MEANING: From et meaning “jealousy.” Etain surpassed all other women of her time in beauty and gentleness and thus was an object of jealousy herself. This is a great way to find out how to exactly pronounce Irish male names. The first thing you should know if you are considering Etain for your baby's name is that in most countries all over the world the name Etain is a girl name. ... they assimilated with the people known to us by their Roman name, the Picts. Éadaoin is a figure of Irish mythology, best known as the heroine of Tochmarc Étaíne (English: The Wooing of Étaín), one of the oldest and richest stories of the Mythological Cycle. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. She has certainly done the rounds. From an ancient Celtic sun goddess derived from ét ‘jealously’.How to pronounce Etain: e-tane Home In this way Etain was reborn and she later married a High King of Ireland. Tags étáin • bone house • etain • Irish • Irish music • listen • Music • Premiere • The Last Mixed Tape • TLMT About Stephen White The Last Mixed Tape: Irish … The Sources page lists the Annals referenced below. The name Aideen is a girl's name of Irish origin meaning "jealousy". Here is the master list of Irish names. In Irish, the name Etain means - a fairy. A submission from Ireland says the name Etaoin means "Celtic story" and is of Irish origin. “Poblacht na hÉireann”, “Muintir Éireann”. Etain had met Midir while he was staying with his foster-son, Aengus Óg, the God of love. She has certainly done the rounds. Irish Clan Names (140+) NOTE: For convenience sake this online version has converted the old Irish letters used in the original text to the roman alphabet, and exchanged the lenited or dotted consonants to their equivalents in the latter, e.g. She was the second wife of Midir, and their marriage caused no little jealousy in the heart of his ex, Fúamnach.With a little help from friends, she magically changed Étaín into a pool of water.. Midir, very perplexed when his wife went missing, started investigations on a Godly scale.To keep ahead of the game, Fúamnach then changed Étaín into a worm. In Irish mythology she is the subject of the 9th-century tale The Wooing of Étaín [1]. we’ll get to that more in a bit). amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "top"; AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Etain and read along with the meaning), Play Audio for Etain:Play Audio for Etain. That is the complete correct name. It means that this name is rarely used. … The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Etain is Wednesday, June 18th, 1913. The name Etain is of Celtic - Gaelic origin, and is not actually used as a baby name or we don't have enough sufficient information about the countries and languages that use it. Adina is a related choice. Étaín (Irish name) is similar to these topics: Fedelm (Irish name), Tómnat, Onóra and more. The name means 'flame wine' or 'wine made from flames' as it derives from the Irish words 'Lasair' meaning flame and 'fhiona' meaning wine. These Names are Modern as well as Unique. pronouncekiwi - … Mar 9, 2015 - Meaning of the name Etain. Etain (Eadaoin) was a maiden of the Tuatha de Dannan, renowned for her beauty, who fell in love with Midir of the seven-pointed spear. X. Y. Come take a moment at one of our New York dispensaries and see what medical marijuana can do for you. Étaín name meaning. Some English-language names derive directly from the Irish — Kathleen = Caitlín, Owen = Eoghan. (2000 U.S. CENSUS), Etain has not been ranked in the list thus far. ÉTAÍN f Irish, Irish Mythology Possibly derived from Old Irish ét meaning "jealousy".In Irish mythology she is the subject of the 9th-century tale The Wooing of Étaín.She was the wife of Midir, but his jealous first wife Fuamnach transformed her into a fly. Irish Baby Names Meaning: In Irish Baby Names the meaning of the name Etain is: Sparkling. Here is the list of most popular Ireland-inspired cat names. I trained as a nurse with a number of Irish women, Grainne, was pronounced Grain or Grainy and Aofe, well she never stood a chance. She was accidentally swallowed, and then reborn to the woman who swallowed her. Irish language female given name. In the Irish myth of "The Wooing of Etain", Etain is a beautiful woman loved by the god Midir the Proud, and persecuted by his jealous first wife. Her immense physical and spiritual beauty enthralled a member of the fairy folk and made her the heroine of the tale ‘The Wooing of Etain’. Eithne means "kernel" or "seed" according to Baby Names of Ireland, and more than nine saints have been named Eithne, the most famous being the mother of … ... they assimilated with the people known to us by their Roman name, the Picts. Étaín is sometimes associated with the name of the ancient Celtic sun goddess, which is derived from ét meaning "jealousy". ASSOCIATED WITH irish, ancient (old), sun (star), goddess, myth, beautiful, Etain is an uncommonly occurring first name for women. Unfortunately for her, Midir’s wife took exception to this, and Etain had to endure terrible hardship. Z. He loses a LOT, ostensibly on purpose. The name Etain has five characters. The approximate pronunciations are given, as names vary in dialects. These are the names of saints and names from history and myth.
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