38843.. serial #2,751, all matching numbers. The thinness and round cross-section of the grip make it easy for the gun to shift in the shooter's grasp, and the sights are very small and difficult to see, compared to modern weapons. Dixie Austrian Lorenz. The barrel remains quite nice retaining about 95% very nice restored blue from the … It is a smaller brother of the more famous "Colt's Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Caliber" introduced the same year and commonly designated by collectors as the "1851 Navy Model" (and which was a basically a larger, .36 caliber of the Pocket Model, "belt pistol" referring to a weapon sized to fit into a belt holster, as opposed to the saddle holsters generally called for by Colt's larger cavalry combat models). 1862 Pocket Navy $411.97. Serial no. Baby Dragoon $378.00. Previously, it wasn't thought that the smaller frame could handle the power of the .44 round, but the introduction of stronger metals made it possible. Those without loading levers are frequently called the "Wells Fargo Model" although Wells Fargo records show no .31 caliber revolvers ever purchased by that company. Dixie Double Barrel Shotguns. The "Baby Dragoon" was in parallel development with Colt's other revolvers and, by 1850, it had evolved into the "Colt's Revolving Pocket Pistol" that collectors now name "The Pocket Model of 1849". It came in 36 caliber with a six shot cylinder and 7½ inch round barrel with a creeping style loading lever. This was the successor to the Baby Dragoon and a total of approximately 326,000 ’49 Pockets were manufactured at the Hartford factory. It is now more correctly termed as the heading or as the “Pocket Model of Navy Caliber” or merely “Pocket Navy.” The barrel address was ‘ADDRESS COL. SAM COLT NEW-YORK U.S. AMERICA’ with COLTS/PATENT stamped on the left side of the frame. The re-classified Colt Pocket Model 1865 of Navy Caliber percussion revolver or Pocket Navy was previously known to collectors as the “Model of 1853” or the “Model 1862 Pocket Navy”. A Pocket model receives prominent mention: My revolvers excited abundant attention, though none would be persuaded to touch them. or Best Offer +$3.50 shipping. Civilian demand for the original .31 caliber revolver remained substantial even after introduction of the larger-bored .36 caliber Pocket Navy and Police Models, even right up until metallic cartridge revolvers entered production in the early 1870s (notably by Smith & Wesson). This model was the last full production percussion revolver to be made by Colt before the advent of the cartridge era by the factory. The cylinder arbor serves as a bullet seater on Pocket models without loading levers, Original Pocket Police fired from 23 yards, An Original Colt patent ball and bullet mould for the Colt Revolving Pocket Pistol (1849), Replica Pocket Navy top with replica 31 Pocket Model below, Original Pocket Police (above) and Pocket Model of 1849, The Colt Revolver in the American West—Prototype "Wells Fargo" Model 1849 Pocket, The Colt Revolver in the American West—London Model 1849 Pocket, The Colt Revolver in the American West—Cutaway Model 1849 Pocket, The Colt Revolver in the American West—Experimental "Trapper's" Model 1862 Police, The Colt Revolver in the American West—Cased Presentation Model 1862 Police, M1840 army noncommissioned officer's sword, Deringer M1825 Philadelphia caplock pistol, Remington M1860 Elliot revolver pepperbox, Wesson and Leavitt M1850 Dragoon revolver, Joslyn M1855, M1861, M1862, M1864, M1865 carbine and rifle, Meylin M1719 Pennsylvania-Kentucky rifled musket, Spencer M1860 repeating carbine and rifle, 8-inch M1841, 10-inch M1841 and 13-inch M1861 mortar, James 24-pounder M1839, 32-pounder M1829 and 42-pounder M1841 rifled cannon, Parrott 30-pounder, 100-pounder, 200-pounder and 300-pounder rifled cannon, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Colt_Pocket_Percussion_Revolvers&oldid=1004446540, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 325,000 .31 Pocket Models. The stronger steels made this sacrifice unnecessary. Dixie Matchlock. The brass trigger guard and back strap are silver-plated. Stronger built and larger caliber, the 1862 maximized velocity and accuracy with a longer barrel and a more powerful caliber. It was manufactured from 1861 through to circa 1873 in a serial range from 1 through to approx. Colt 1849 Pocket Australian Retailer Marked .31 Caliber Revolver. Serial #261404, .31 caliber, 6” octagon barrel with an about very good bore which shows evident rifling but with minor oxidation and scattered light pitting. The Colt Revolving Belt Pistol or Navy Pistol, sometimes erroneously referred to as "Colt Revolving Belt Pistol of Naval Caliber" or "of Navy Caliber" (Naval is heavy gun and Navy Size Caliber was termed later for another Colt model), is a cap and ball revolver that was designed by Samuel Colt between 1847 and 1850. Watch; New Sear & Bolt Spring for Colt 1862 1849 Police Pocket Revolver. Colt Model 1862 Police Percussion Revolver, Autry National Center of the American West, Colt Pocket Model 1865 of Navy Caliber Percussion Revolver, Address: Several variations including: ‘ADDRESS COL. SAML COLT. Sales were helped by use in the Civil War, as both sides utilized this revolver in the conflict. Later, the Navy Model was increased in bore size by rebating the frame and enlarging the cylinder, and became the 1860 Army Model. Pre-Owned. Please ask for more pictures if needed. Product Description 38 RF; 5% blue, 5% straw, good bore, very good grips, 4 1/2'' barrel, This is a low serial number, matching numbered, Pocket Navy conversion that features an early COLTS/PATENT frame with large hammer screw, loading gate and 36 Cal marked frame. Please support us at: https://www.patreon.com/capandballThe next step in the "original vs repro" series. Since they appear so similar to the larger weapons, without an object nearby to give them scale, the Pocket Revolvers tend to give an impression of being larger than they actually are; it is difficult to fit all four fingers onto the slender grip, even for a person with average-sized hands. The frame, hammer conversion ring and loading gate are casehardened with vivid case colors. If multiple models appear for your serial number simply match the date with the appropriate model, as certain vintage firearms can share serial numbers between different models. The production of the Colt Model 1849 Pocket revolver in America commenced in 1850 and continued through to 1873. All variations included, it was the single largest selling of the Colt revolvers until well into the 20th century (ibid Wilson.) 3 watchers. These excellent pocket-sized revolvers were the continuing advancement of earlier models like the 1849 Pocket. Other changes including lightweight fluted cylinders, and a round barrel, to offset the added weight, and a "creeping" loading lever as used in the 1861 Army Model; the result was the "Police Pocket Model of 1862". The Pocket Model came with and without attached loading levers and with barrel lengths from 3-6 inches; those without loading levers were loaded either with some handy dowel or equivalent tool, or by removing the cylinder from the frame and using the fixed cylinder pin (or "arbor") as a rammer). The serial numbers overlapped with its predecessor from the 12000 serial range through to 340000. All in all, for a weapon designed mostly as a relatively close-range defensive weapon, it was quite suitable for its era. The Model 1862, however, depicted an engraved stage coach holdup scene instead. Colt first referred to this Revolver as the Ranger Size model, and then Revolving Belt, but the designation "Navy" quickly took over. 8 Items For values, check out ‘Flayderman’s Guide to Antique American Firearms… and their values’ by Norm Flayderman. Colt Pocket Navy Conversion revolver with 4 1/2 inch barrel manufactured circa 1874. The one-piece walnut stock has a high polish piano finish. Dixie Hawken. NO CC Fees Layaway Terms: 60 days with 20% down non-refundable after 30 days. 1980 COLT 1860 Army, 1862 Pocket Navy & Pocket Police Black … Pocket percussion revolvers and I have had a long “on again, off again” relationship, which first started when I got my hands on a Remington 1863 Pocket in 31 caliber. The frame, hammer, and lever were case-hardened and the remainder of the revolver was blued.
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