Again, I hope this helps some out there with the same problem and it won’t take them 2 weeks to get it corrected like it did me. What could be wrong. Great! Glad to hear you were able to fix your furnace by cleaning the flame sensor!Thanks so much for letting me know you had a warm Thanksgiving! 20273601 SIDE PANEL LH [OBSOLETE] OBSOLETE If I remove the cover to the blowers the burners will stay on and heat the house. Also make sure all wire connections are tight and you are getting a constant 24 to 28 volts to the gas valve when it is open (ON). Hi Michael! I hope you can find the problem soon. I would suggest that you make sure all wire connections and ground connections on the furnace are good and tight. Congratulations! Great! A new furnace should never do this. Steve. Tonight’s the coldest night we’ve had in a while and I REALLY needed my furnace. The main burners would finally come on if the pilot flame was on long enough, but it appeared the sensor was bad because the flame was hitting it? Had the main board and 24v transformer replaced 3 months ago because of an AC issue. A dirty filter, dirty evaporator coil, stopped up or restricted return or supply ducts can also cause this problem. Add me to the list of people who you have greatly helped with your post! If it is a Bryant or Carrier I will need the product number. Thanks again for your help. Steve A. Thank so much for sharing your experience and solution to your furnace problem. Steve. Especially the curved metal part that looks like a fork on top. Any suggestions? The flame sensor has been changed today and is still ding the same thing. I’m unsure about the lock-out part mentioned because our heater just kept running through the cycle. If one side does not get 24 volts then the limit is open and you either have a bad limit or a furnace over-heating problem. Great! Fantastic! It is a 2 pipe, sealed combustion furnace. All wires match the schematic as well as I took a picture before i swapped boards and everything is plugged in to the correct place. Steve. If the limit switch is bad or if the furnace is going off on high limit then the fan will run because the control board thinks the furnace has over heated. Steve, Just pulled flame sensor our sanded it down reinstalled and furnace function is perfect , thank you so much, Hi Greg! Of course a dirty filter could also cause the furnace to over heat. Thanks so much for your kind words and for letting us know! Its a bitter cold snowy night here in Chicago and to not have heat would have been so bad! Mine was doing exactly this for a while and then New years morning and 27 degrees it wouldn’t run for more than 5 -10 seconds. I would suggest making sure all wire connections and ground wires are good and tight. The installer has looked at it and even called Rheem for support. Steve. Steve, Glad to hear we were able to help you out! I hope you have a great day! Steve, I just wanted to thank You! We can help! Congratulations on repairing your furnace! Thanks! Steve. TUX100C948D0 thank you too much. The draft motor comes on, then the blower turns on, and the pilot light sparks up, but the flame jets never ignite. 3. improper air flow or distribution We replaced the ignotor and the flame sensor. Thanks so much for your kind words! Thanks so much for sharing and letting us know the great news! Yes, Montgomery Ward! George Brazil Air Conditioning & Heating serves all of the Valley of the Sun. Awesome! Boom! Your furnace has a limit switch that keeps it from running if the heat exchanger is too hot. Tonight it was retrying five or six times and the inducer motor was hot to touch. I have a similar problem, but after cleaning the sensor, the furnace is still doing the same thing. Steve. I had for the last 20 years using other companies and telling them about my issues. Did they clean the burners and gas orifices? I have a problem with my campers furnace. Thank you so very much for your kind words and question. I would most certainly suggest cleaning the flame sensor as described in our post. Fantastic! Sounds like the air-gas mixture is not right. thank you,Pete, Hi Pete! Make sure that the pressure switch is staying closed by using a voltmeter to test the pressure switch when the furnace is running. 20159002 WIRING HARNESS F After lighting the pilot and turning the furnace on it works great but when the thermostat recognizes it’s warm enough in the motorhome it shuts off the gas and the pilot light. Also test between terminals W and C (com) and make sure your thermostat is not cutting the furnace off early. The furnace ignites and continues to run until the temperature on the limit switch reaches about 200. Thanks so very much for taking your time to write and let us know the great news!!! The 62-24084-02 control board that you have has been updated to control board 62-24084-82. I previously cleaned the thermocouple but the problem continues. We have one of the Best in Website Security with a Norton Symantec Secured Website and Shopping Cart! Any ideas would be appreciated. It is Thanksgiving and our furnace was not working. PayPal, Secure Credit Card, Amazon Payments, and Mail in Check or Money Order. Fantastic! Steve. Good Morning Danielle! He replaced the ignitor and 3 days later same problem, -30C outside and +5C inside – colder than the fridge. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your furnace burners staying on. I am so glad to hear that you were able to fix your furnace! He than watched your video about cleaning the flame sensor. You’re a lifesaver!! New flame sensor, new ignitor and here is the issue I’m currently having with it. We have a troubleshooting flow chart that I hope will help you out: If you want me to look up parts then please contact me through our email address. I’ve gone through the furnace again, but cannot locate the flame sensor. If anyone else knows please feel free to comment. Awesome! Any input would be appreciated. I Googled pressure switch testing and came up with the following: I hope you can easily find the problem. Any guidance would be great. Unfortunately my furnace sill shuts off withing few seconds after establishing the flame. Thank you very much for the info. Since you do not have a flame sensor then most of the older Heil furnaces have spark ignition. I have located the On/Off/Limit switch/sensor! Either some control which controls the fan motor is cutting the fan motor off after 2 to 4 minutes or you have a motor speed that is going out and the motor itself is shutting off because of the motor windings being weak. 11001301 COMPARTMENT GASKET OBSOLETE Steve, the new motor arrived and the furnace is back in good health and everyone is warm. A partially clogged furnace drain condensate line will cause this problem too. Since you are still having problems after replacing the flame sensor I would suggest that you check all wire connections and ground connections to make sure they are good, tight and not burnt. We have a limit testing video on the following page: You should make sure that the flame sensor is sitting in a nice hot blue flame when the burner ignite. Thank you for this fix. Fantastic! Changed the spiral ignitor and still same problem. Fantastic! Previously before replacing the flame sensor the furnace would heat the house and the fan would not turn off. It came right in the middle of the crazy arctic weather here in the Midwest. I have been an electronics engineer and Master Electrician for 25 years and this is the first time that I have seen something that the “polarity” actually mattered on AC, so I post this hoping it will help others, since the post above says the service techs didn’t know what was going on. Thank you so very much for all your kind words! Fantastic! Inspect the heat exchanger to make sure that the heat exchanger is not cracked and allowing air to enter the heat exchanger thus causing the flames to not burn correctly. Please make sure all wire connections are good and tight especially your furnace’s ground wires (the bare copper wire and white nuetral wire). I tried activating the valve with a clip lead and the valve itself works OK. Gas came on and was burning normally. The furnace stays on for awhile (maybe 1 minute, maybe 10 minutes) and then goes out. Required fields are marked *. I am not familiar with your Kelvinator furnace, but if you have a condensing furnace make sure the condensate trap and drain on the furnace is open. I took off the flame sensor and cleaned it up and now we have a warm house again. If you do not feel comfortable in doing this I would suggest calling in a professional. But in my case it dose not work. I have seen safety devices (pressure switches, limits) cut off the gas burner’s prematurely. Steve. 20272803 BLOWER DOOR I didn’t want to make extreme changes, so I adjusted my switches to 85*-120*-190*. Thanks so much for your kind words and letting me know the great news! came home to a cold house, this is what my furnace was doing, did what you said and I’m starting to warm up. Hope the info was helpful. Thanks for letting us know that you fixed your furnace by cleaning the flames sensor! Hi Lisa! Hi Jeff! I would recommend replacing it. Solution: First, turn off the power to your furnace. Steve, Hello, my heater brand is York, and is like 15 years old . So you know I had to replace it since it crapped out. But if I remove the filter from the air return it works like a charm with zero issues. It WILL eventually kick on and stay on then keep active at temp… but it’s always doing this after sitting for a few hours, I guess it cools down to much? I really do not understand how the furnace could keep your home warm when the burners are only on 8 to 10 seconds. First off it started where I would hear 3 clicks and the inducer fan would not kick on found out that it was only getting .3v from the control board. Steve. Am I going about this correctly? God bless you and your family today and always. God bless you and your family today and always! I would recommend taking the drain apart and cleaning it, sucking it out with a wet vac. cleaning the Flame sensor did the trick greatly appreciate your valuable infos. Fantastic! If the gas manifold, orifices or burners are dirty the furnace will not ignite or burn correctly. This is a good sign that the furnace burners need to be cleaned. Any Suggestions? This ensures that there is no gas build-up inside of your furnace from a small leak. I hope you can easily find and fix this problem. What do you think my next option is? Great Mike! Fantastic! Steve. We have a post on testing pressures switches on the following page: If you would like for me to look up parts then please send the furnace’s model number to our email address If you do not have a limit or rollout that is open then I would suggest that you find out why the furnace is over-heating. I would also suggest checking with a volt meter to see if the pressure switch is opening up and causing your burners to go out. WOW… it worked !! Brand Model Serial # Great! I have gathered some more information, and a snapshot of the 3rd technician’s diagnosis and recommendation from yesterday’s invoice: The furnace tries this ignition sequence again, and the same thing happens. Awesome! Thanks, Fantastic! This never happens during the initial ignition, only after the blower comes on and then goes away after the furnace has gone through several heating cycles. I cannot express how grateful I am. again, Great! Hi Steve, I have an older rv lp intertherm mgh-055, hard to find any info. Sorry that I can not be of more help. Yes! I hope you can find and fix the problem soon! Used primarily wood heat since new, 90% of the time, so gas furnace hasn’t been used much. Thank you so very much for your kind words and comments! If you would like for me to look up parts then please send me your furnace’s model number to our email address. Since the gas is staying on for a short time I would think that the Gas valve is not the problem. Please send the product number to our email address. Unfortunately I have not run into the situation I’m experiencing. Hi Mark! I would suggest turning the furnace off then taking the burners out and blow them out with compressed air or use a vac on them. When the thermostat calls for heat, the igniter sparks and the pilot ignites after a second or two. Great video. Make sure the flame sensor is sitting in a good hot blue flame. If you checked all these things out and the furnace still does not work then you might need a new control board. Could it be gas valve or inducer motor? I show how to test rollouts with a meter on the following troubleshooting page we have: I hope you have a blessed day and weekend! My furnace had the symptoms you described and I was worried I was going to have to pay for a service call. Low. George Brazil Air Conditioning and Heating provides the Phoenix area with. This should keep the heat on (burners burning) until you separate the red and white wires. Steve. Awesome! Thanks so much for letting me know the great news! By the way, she took a gas fitter class some years ago and got a C ticket. God bless you and your family today and always! The fan continues to run even though the flames and pilot light go out. I see that you purchased a Honeywell SmartValve pilot burner assembly which is great. The problem started about a month ago. Yes, the thermostat or a stuck relay on the control board can cause the fan to run all the time. What is happening now is after the call for heat the furnace will burn for several (approx 5)minutes, but will then shut down and lock out when it attempts to relight (and LED indicates lockout). Steve, I have a brand new payne heating unit that has never once fired up from the time it was installed (by a friend of a friend who “knew” what he was doing lol). You might need to adjust the gas pressure up a little so the burners light properly. Hope you have a great day! I cleaned the flame sensor and it was still failing. I’m having trouble finding a flame sensor using this model number. It stays running correctly some of the time too. Any suggestions Flame sensor ? If you have an older furnace with a standing pilot light, it’s possible that … The next time your furnace messes up I would suggest trying to read the blink code on the control board. I am unsure of what else could be causing the issue as the symptoms seem to point to the flame sensor. If this was the main gas line, then you might have some air in the gas line. I hope you can easily find and fix the problem. I have seen the setup that you are referring to in many of the older Rheem, Ruud furnaces. Congratulations! I have a Braemar TB320 ducted heating system. Should I just try cleaning the flame sensor or replace it? So happy to hear you were able to fix your furnace! I cleaned the heat sensor. Glad to hear you were able to fix your furnace and get some heat! Call us or schedule online to have a professional furnace technician make sure your furnace stays lit. Could this be the problem with my furnace “locking”….and having to trip breaker to reset it? Merry Christmas! This can be dangerous so you might want to call in a professional. When we went to fire up the furnace this fall the igniter would glow, and we would get a flame on the main burner on the right of the box but the rest of the burners wouldn’t ignite. Hi Mr. Arnold, thank you for your reply. No, this should not be dangerous. Working like a champ now! I can’t think of any other reason then it is not opening if it is getting the 24 volts but no flame is produced. Steve. So glad to hear you were able to fix your furnace by cleaning the flame sensor! Whether you need furnace ignitors, AprilAire filters, EZ Flex filters, or another kind of HVAC merchandise, we want to serve you. Side note: you may want to consider getting a new furnace since yours is very old and inefficient. Now a day later and it happened again. Thanks for letting us know the great news! I have a comfort maker main burner kicks on for about 15 seconds (3 times) then the second one kicks on for about 30 seconds and the both go out. Wow, you are a charm. 10736201 COVER, HIGH VOLTAGE BOX Hi Ms. Snyder! Glad to hear you fixed your furnace by cleaning the flame sensor! The system lights don’t give any error message that the tech can see since it won’t do it while he is here. I had a HVAC guy come out and said all voltages are good. Common solutions for: Goodman Furnace starts then stops 01 - Flame Sensor The flame sensor monitors the burner to detect whether or not a flame is present. Hi! I hope that the problem is just that your furnace burners need cleaning. When I turn on the heater, the ignite turns red for a few seconds and then turn off. Hi Don! Cleaned the sensor, replaced the sensor, exchanged the sensor, replaced the control board, exchanged the control board, added a chassis ground to a nearby copper pipe, replaced the old two conductor wire with a 12 ga two conductor with ground tie in wire. Steve. My furnace is a Carrier 58SSC110. God bless you and your family, cats included today and always! I truly appreciate it. The gas valve opens and sends gas to the burners where it’s then ignited by the ignitor (or pilot light for older furnaces). I took the exhaust pipe off and clean it and also took the combustion air blower off and clean it out. Possible causes: Overheating. Great! The fan is cycling air throughout the house, but no heat. I would look for loose wires first by turning the power off to the furnace then checking to make sure all wire connections are tight. Please make sure the blower compartment is not open to draw air around the furnace. Now the inducer starts, ignitor glows, but the gas never comes on. I hope you can easily find and fix the problem. Hi Mike! They spent $800 on a furnace repair man trying to figure out what was wrong with their furnace. They say something may have changed since installation. I have a goodman 2 burner furnace that the main burner will light but the secondary only lights if I run a wire through the jet. Hi Brian! Steve, Your email address will not be published. The controller, sensing loss of pilot, shuts off the main and pilot valves.
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