New book by alum Becky Cooper: We Keep the Dead Close: A Murder at Harvard and a Half Century of Silence, 11th Institute for World Literature: now accepting applications. Research Fields: Theory and methods of comparative literature and world literary studies; Bible and ancient Near Eastern literatures; modern European and global Anglophone literatures. The Departmental Writing Fellow position in Comparative Literature is designed to offer support to juniors and seniors as they embark on their respective projects of the junior essay and the senior thesis. Comparative Literature Senior Thesis Panel Presentation of thesis projects by Comp Lit seniors: Come hear about the kind of work students do in Comparative Literature. German MPhil/PhD, Comparative Literature MPhil/PhD, Film Studies MPhil/PhD, Language, Culture and History MA, Comparative Literature MA, Film Studies MA Professor of German. I then... Read more about Peter Dziedzic. Department of Comparative Literature16 Quincy StreetDana-Palmer HouseCambridge, MA 02138Phone: 617-495-1900Contact us. Welcome concentrators in Comparative Literature! There are multiple ways of intersecting with the department: You can concentrate (or joint concentrate) in Comp Lit; you can undertake a secondary field in the department; or you can pursue a secondary field in Translation Studies, which is housed within Comp Lit.There are several ways for prospective concentrators to discover what life in Comparative Literature is all about: Reflecting the ongoing paradigm shift of comparative studies from an almost exclusive focus on Western European traditions to a newly global awareness, our faculty ranks have expanded in recent years to encompass a world-wide range of languages and cultures, even as we pursue new approaches to an expanded range of European literatures themselves.Read More. Daniel Behar's (PhD '19) recent article in Public Books. Aisha Dad-Van Veldhuizen. Our 28 faculty members and more than 50 graduate students have come from across the globe to study, teach, and publish on literatures in several dozen languages from a wide range of historical periods. Jan@GSAS Mini-Course with Bes Bajraktarević. Harvard Comparative Literature Rankings. Our 28 faculty members and more than 50 graduate students have come from across the globe to study, teach, and publish on literatures in several dozen languages from a wide range of histori… Literary Research in Harvard Libraries was originally written by Sue Gilroy and Laura Farwell Blake, and remains deeply indebted to their work. Comparative Literature Peter Dziedzic. These statements are usually one to four pages long. With its comfortable lounge and meeting and seminar rooms as well as administrative and faculty offices, Dana-Palmer House provides the perfect setting for scholarly exchange. Email me with questions or to schedule a research appointment. Contexts of Criticism. Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. And our Renato Poggioli Faculty/Graduate Student Colloquium enables students of all levels to present their works-in-progress to peers and faculty, everything from seminar papers to mock job talks. FURTHER GUIDANCE Odile Harter. Research Fields: religion and literature, psychoanalysis, comparative modernisms, trauma studies, translation studies, affect theory, medical humanities, posthuman and animal studies.... Read more about Sarah Corrigan. Levin, Harry. The Department of Comparative Literature offers Comparative Literature as a secondary field in GSAS to enrich the education of PhD students in other departments who seek to do research and teach across … Mi-Lou: Poetry and the Labyrinth of Desire (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature (Hardcover), Band 39) | Owen, Stephen | ISBN: 9780674183209 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Students are also encouraged to closely read faculty websites, which describe the range of expertise of each faculty member. With a faculty that has included such scholars as Irving Babbitt, Albert Lord, Harry Levin, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson, the department has played a crucial role in shaping what remains a polymorphous discipline. To search for Comparative Literature courses, use the following path: FAS / Arts and Humanities / Comparative Literature. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature. Candidates for admission need not indicate at the time of application a precise field of specialization, but it is helpful to tell us about your aspirations and how the Department of Comparative Literature might help in attaining these goals. The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages and national borders. The stunning range of our students’ dissertation projects is well supported by Harvard’s unparalleled library resources. Coursework is designed to meet individual interests and expectations. The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature at Harvard prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections among literatures, cultures, media, and disciplines. In the past few years, the faculty has restructured the Comparative Literature program so as to attend better to students’ needs as they prepare for a professional career in the 21st century. Ihre Suche nach HARVARD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE ergibt 24 Einträge Sortierpräferenz 5 - Erscheinungsjahr absteigend 0 - Standard 1 - Titel, Erscheinungsjahr 2 - Erscheinungsjahr, Titel 3 - Erscheinungsjahr, Autor 4 - Autor, Erscheinungsjahr 6 - Signatur / Lageplan 7 - Autor, Titel Suchergebnisseite: . Harvards Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. Chair, Department of Comparative Literature Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Comparative Literature Director, Institute for World Literature . 393 Followers, 95 Following, 36 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Harvard Comparative Literature (@harvardcomplit) I graduated from DePaul University in Chicago in 2013 with degrees in Religious Studies and English. Course content and focus areas . Hi! Below is a list of in-print works in this collection, presented in series order or publication order as applicable. All first- and second-year students have two official advisors: 1) the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS), who for the 2018-2019 academic year is Professor Verena Conley ( and 2) a Field Advisor, who is most often a faculty member in the Department of Comparative Literature. Applicants also need to include a statement of purpose that gives the admissions committee a clear sense of your individual interests and strengths. This essay by PhD Candidate Nina Begus won an Award in Reproductive Ethics from the journal Voices in Bioethics. Our students and faculty also work in a variety of fields contiguous with literature, including architecture and the visual arts, film and music, history, anthropology, philosophy, and medicine. More than simply examining how meaning is transferred from one language to another... Read more about Translation Studies. This work is largely funded by fellowships from the graduate school as well as from Harvard’s many area centers. Comparative literature is the department for students who want to cross boundaries -- between languages, between cultures, between disciplines. The 2020-2021 course catalogue, along with full course descriptions, is now available at Dessert will be provided. Challenge of Comparative Literature (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, Band 42) | Guillen, Claudio, Franzen, Cola | ISBN: 9780674106888 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Students who are interested in participating to the upcoming IWL sessions should submit a letter of interest to the Executive Officer and the Deputy Executive Officer by early December. Lara Norgaard, incoming PhD student, argues that experimental fiction can democratize storytelling in this recent article published by Public Books. Our “Professing Literature” professional development course prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of graduate school. Sort by title, author, format, publication date, or price » 22. It is usually between 10 and 20 pages. Staff view "My research focuses on two main areas: relations between England and Spain in the early modern period (1500–1700), and secondly the Spanish Empire. The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature at Harvard prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections among literatures, cultures, media, and disciplines. New course and language requirements allow students to engage more fully in sophisticated comparative work from their very first year at Harvard. GRE Test requirement is optional for applications for admission for fall 2021 due to COVID-19, Richard A. and Susan F. Smith Campus Center Graduate Student . Cambridge, MA 02138-3654. Working in more than one language, our students investigate the inter-connections among literatures, cultures, and media to explore the human experience in a comparative and interdisciplinary context. “Comparative Studies” includes reference to aesthetics, anthropology, archaeology, ethnography, ethics, gender studies, history, linguistics, literature, philosophy, phenomenology, religion, the social sciences, theology and, as appropriate, other related areas and disciplines that are utilized in the larger field of the study of religion. HOME / GSAS HANDBOOK / VI. The secondary field in Comparative Literature … The Department of Comparative Literature offers Comparative Literature as a secondary field in GSAS to enrich the education of PhD students in other departments who seek to do research and teach across the institutional boundaries of national languages and literatures. Mi-Lou: Poetry and the Labyrinth of Desire (HARVARD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE) | Owen, Stephen | ISBN: 9780674572751 | Kostenloser Versand für … Research & Pedagogy Librarian. The Department of Comparative Literature was established by vote of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on April 10, 1906, and was reorganized upon its present basis in 2007 with the merging of the graduate department of Comparative Literature and the undergraduate Literature Concentration to form a unified department. Celtic Languages and Literatures. GSAS's physical spaces are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic: GSAS staff are working remotely and can be reached by email. We welcome students who are interested in studying literature in more than one national and linguistic tradition, students who want to explore literature in relation to other arts and media (e.g., film, music, visual art) or disciplines (e.g., philosophy, … Many of our students also engage in interdisciplinary work, taking courses and often earning qualification in secondary fields such as Film and Visual Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Congratulations to Professor Annette Damayanti Lienau! As faculty members, students specializing in a national literature may be called on to teach comparative courses or courses in general or world literature. In our graduate seminars, students analyze in comparative perspective the literatures and other cultural products of Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. REQUIREMENTS: 5 courses (20 credits) Comparative Literature 97 (Sophomore Tutorial) to be taken as early as possible in the student’s program of study Original Subjects: The Child, the Novel, and the Nation (HARVARD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE) | Alryyes, Ala A. Our students are encouraged to complement seminars in comparative literature with courses in other literature and area studies departments (with which most of our faculty hold joint appointments), including African and African American Studies, the Classics, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, English, Germanic Languages and Literatures, History, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Romance Languages and Literatures, Slavic Languages and Literatures, and South Asian Studies. With a faculty that has included such scholars as Irving Babbitt, Albert Lord, Harry Levin, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson, the department has played a crucial role in shaping what remains a … Barker Center, Thompson Room. 1350 Massachusetts Avenue, Suite 350 Comparative Literature Department Website The PhD in Comparative Literature generally takes between six and eight years, depending on a student’s prior training; most students enter with an AM, but this degree is not required for admission. Hello Pfoho pfriends old and new! With a faculty that has included such scholars as Irving Babbitt, Albert Lord, Harry Levin, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson, the department has played a crucial role in shaping what remains a polymorphous discipline. Sorting by course catalogue number gives you a chronologial order of the … Resident Tutor Religion, Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Comparative Literature, South Asian Studies, Writing Pfellowships. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS / SECONDARY FIELDS / Comparative Literature . I'm Odile Harter, the library liaison to English and Comparative Literature. First-year students are invited. TEL617-495-5315 Mahnoor Ali (BA '19) adds new colors and critiques in her exploration of literature and art. Comparative Literature The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections and inter-connections among literatures, cultures, media, and … Locating courses that are offered will help identify which faculty are teaching what courses and if your research interests would be met in our program. FAX617-495-2928 The research generated here reflects an exhilarating scope of methods, approaches, and questions. The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature at Harvard prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections and inter-connections among literatures, cultures, media, and disciplines. I aim to change conventional understanding of the … Next: Get Organized >> … Your application must include a writing sample, which should demonstrate your ability to engage in literary criticism and/or theory. Immerse yourself in classic novels with Berkeley’s online book club or enroll in Harvard’s popular Poetry in America series. Harvard University has offered courses in comparative literature since 1894. Do not send longer papers with instructions to read an excerpt; lengthier samples should be edited so that they are no longer than 20 pages. The Master program Comparative Literature offers a two-year interdisciplinary, research-oriented course of study organized by the Department of Comparative Literature in cooperation with the Department of German Studies, the Department of English and American Studies, the Department of Romance Studies, and the Department of Drama, Film and Media … The comparative literature major at Harvard is not ranked on College Factual’s Best Colleges and Universities for Linguistics & Comparative Literature. When in Cambridge, students enjoy the department's home, the historic Dana-Palmer House at 16 Quincy Street. Email Odile. The undergraduate program in Comparative Literature at Harvard prepares students to play an active and creative role in today’s globalized world by exploring literature and culture across languages, and investigating the intersections among literatures, cultures, media, and disciplines. There are multiple ways of intersecting with the department: You. It can be a paper written for a course or a section of a senior thesis or essay. Given the nature of graduate projects, most of our students spend time abroad, both for language training and research. Reviewing the history of migration through a different lens with Argyro Nicolaou (PhD '18). Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. In this video, our students, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Chair, describe the Undergraduate Program in Comparative Literature. Related Topics - Art | History | Writing | Ethics | Music | Philosophy | Religion Comparative Literature offers a secondary field for students who wish to work across languages, cultures, and media in a comparative and interdisciplinary context. This could be for a number of reasons, such as not having enough data on the major or school to make an accurate assessment of its quality. The department's FAQ provide additional information and program requirements are detailed in GSAS Policies. The Admissions Committee carefully examines the overall profile of each applicant, taking all parts of the candidate’s application into consideration. The Challenge of Comparative Literature (HARVARD STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE) | Guillen, Claudio, Franzen, Cola | ISBN: 9780674106871 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Search . From the study of Dante’s Divine Comedy to online workshop-style courses in professional writing for business, edX offers a wide variety of free online literature and writing courses. We have also established specific guidelines for advising and faculty feedback from the first year through the completion of the PhD., Privacy | Digital Accessibility | Report Copyright Infringement, © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Harvard University - The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Special Students and Visiting Fellows FAQ, Theses & Dissertations for Comparative Literature, See list of Comparative Literature faculty. Our library system, the largest university collection in the world, comprises 70 libraries, with combined holdings of over 16 million items. Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 2017-2018 Student Handbook. Brief Description of Secondary Field The secondary field in Translation Studies offers students the opportunity to undertake a sustained study of the theory and practice of translation. Congratulations: Wilf Zibell wins a Rhodes scholarship! There are several ways for prospective concentrators to discover what life in Comparative Literature is all about: Copyright © 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, banner_department_of_comparative_literature.jpg, Secondary Field in Comparative Literature, Journals/Conferences for Graduate Students, Comp Lit Poggioli Faculty/Student Colloquium, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 119/JEWISHST 106: Mainstream Jews, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 131: The Arab American Experience in Fiction, Film, and Popular Culture, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 137: Child Sacrifice, Pros and Cons: The Binding of Isaac in Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Modern Lit, COMPLIT 159: Poetry as Musical Performance, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 165: Migratory Identities, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 193: What's Love Got to Do with It; Love Poetry of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, COMPLIT 222/HEBREW 255/HDS 1641: The Passover Haggadah, Spring 2021: COMPLIT 264: Thinking and Writing Transculturally, New Book by Professor Karen Thornber: Global Healing: Literature, Advocacy, Care, Contact our Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Sandra Naddaff, "The Identity Problem" in Prenatal Testing, Fields of Study Week for First Year Students, Summer Program: 2021 Delphi Academy of European Studies. Students have the option, at the start of the G2 year, of continuing with the same field advisor as during the G1 year, or of c… Comparative Literature Translation Studies. The DGS assigns all incoming students a field advisor for their first and usually second years. Congratulations to Rachelle Grossman, recipient of a 2020 UCI Center for Jewish Studies Essay prize! | ISBN: 9780674002579 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Critical theory, literary interpretation, and comparative philology provide the basis for work on translation, the history of ideas, gender, drama, oral poetics, multilingualism, postcolonialism, the environmental and medical humanities, globalization, and world literature. In the left tab, select the term "2021 Spring" to limit your results to all active courses that semester. The Comparative Literature program is affiliated with the Institute for World Literature at Harvard, which is hosted each summer by different partner institutions worldwide.
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