MUI goku would be around that level too. Create a community. And SSJ3 Xeno Goku 1-shot Gravy who was equal with Demigra. Xeno Goku The games are non Canon actually, Canon is the anime a.k.a DBS, while Xeno Goku is from DBH non Canon fan Service game. Son Goku, born Kakarot, is a male Saiyan and the main protagonist of Dragon Ball. Eight teams entered in all, with 6 participants in each. Xeno Goku is listed as multiversal and more powerful than this Goku, yet when Xeno Goku faces off against this exact version of Goku in the Prison Planet manga, he admits that Super Saiyan Blue Goku from after the Universal Survival Arc is a step ahead of him in power as a Super Saiyan 4. Feats •Passively affecting all of time by going SS4 •Swapped hands with SS4 Dark Broly, and Ultimate Mira • Goku vs Arceus is a What-if Death Battle and is Pokemon Trainer Lion's Season 1 Finale. VS. marvel odin. I don't mean Xenoverse Goku, i mean Xeno Goku, from Heroes. Stamina: Extremely high, Xeno Goku can use up to Kaioken x100 which normally would put strains on his body Range: Extended melee range. outside help. Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks. Grand Priestis the angel attendant to the Omni-King. ... Cosmic Armor Superman @HolyJoe there is no actual prove in his comic that proves hes on that level. (Cue Invader) Boomstick: Power. I don't know the story of UMX very well, but this is the source that vsbattle wikia uses to claim Xeno Goku is multiversal which is ridiculous. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Goku 4 Arceus 5 Pre-Death Battle 6 Special Thanks 7 Death Battle 7.1 ENGAGE! The All-Time Tournament is an ongoing contest of fighting strength between teams from across the Multiverse. 7.1.1 KO! The season 1 finale is brought up by an explosive clash of gods!!! Weirdly enough, this seems immensely superior in comparison to his regular attacks, forcing even Xeno Goku to go on the defensive as well as easily dispersing a Multiversal Spirit Bomb created by his Universe's Goku with one glance. An evil Saiyan imprisoned on the Prison Planet by Fu, he's the main threat to the Dragon Team over the course of the story. Demigra is also a recurring villain in Dragon Ball Heroes, where serves as a main enemy of the Time Patrollers, going up against the likes of Xeno Goku. Xeno Goku would have a good Chance against TOAA, a being who failed to stop a Multi dimensional Crisis. Nintendo Switch PC Stadia Xbox One. Xeno Goku defeated the TF of Demigra. Xeno Goku can use up to Kaioken x100 which normally would put strains on his body. One day, however, the Universe Seed was unleashed in her timeline, resulting in its destruction. Our Clients Soar with Eagles Home page; A New Breed of CPA; Login/Register; Current Events Xeno Goku's history is very similar to his main timeline counterpart's with him being known to have experienced the Frieza and Cell Sagas, the movies Lord Slug and Fusion Reborn and the events of Dragon Ball GT - having battled the Shadow Dragons in the past. "Compliant Pole", or more correctly "Staff That Obeys One's Will") is a magical, length-changing staff that is owned and wielded by Son Goku for most of the Dragon Ball series. Ok so heroes is so ridiculous that you have to specify which heroes version now. MUI goku managed too beat jiren while he was at full power. Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. History Talk (0) Comments Share. | Extended melee range. I've seen people say he's like, 5D or something, more powerful than Zeno, can Curbstomp every single version of Superman, etc. at best high multiversal. ! Goku: Xeno's personality is identical to his main counterpart's. Edit. Superhero battle match: Xeno Goku versus Cosmic Armor Superman. MUI goku: 384 000 000 universes, 4 dimensional power (infinite 3 dimensional), keeps growing in strenght Uzumaki_Naruto 8 mo 9 d . Can he get anymore badass? Goku: Xeno is an incarnation of Goku from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Time Patrol. Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is the spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features. Range: Extended melee range. Xeno Goku(gonna remake this thread) Attack Potentcy: High Multiversal+ possibly Low Complex Multiversal:Defeated Demigra who was going to the destroy the “Real World” which views DBH as fiction which should be infinitely above infinite Timelines. At some point he encountered Broly. Dragon Ball Heroes Xeno Goku Vs Superman (Strange Visitor) How stronger is Strange Visitor Superman, How strong is Xeno Goku? Xeno Goku, or Goku: Xeno, is one of the main characters in Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes, as well as a major member of the Time Patrol. Nintendo vs Shõnen Jump? Son Pan, mainly just referred to as Pan, is the daughter of Gohan and granddaughter of Goku himself. 8 Conclusion 9 The Season 2 Premiere 10 Trivia Pokèmon vs DBZ! Xeno Goku can only use it in this instance because he was in the Demon Realm- a place without Time. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others 5 Discussions Cumber is one of the primary antagonists of Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission. Low Multiversal with portals. So in terms of the scaling above, we have: FYI - Xeno Goku is the strongest Goku (Spoilers) Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 PlayStation 4 . However, by the events of the Prison Planet Saga, Goku: Xeno's time as a Time Patroller matured him considerably, showing to be far more responsible to the task at hand. However, an accident alters his memory, causing him to grow up pure-hearted and later become Earth's greatest defender, as well as the informal leader of the Dragon Team. Also "multiversal entity" makes no sense whatsoever in the context of DB, with the lone exception of Zeno and, MAYBE, Universe Zamasu. These attacks are invisible and cannot be seen even with energy Sensing. Xeno Goku at the Time Nest. They sort of unify everything under that multiversal banner. That's a screenshot from DB UMX. Unlike hiscanon counterpart, this Grand Priest is unbound by Angel law, overseeing all events across all timelines, and acts as a bridge between the Dragon Ball multiverse and Beat's Real World. Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks. So lowballed mastered ultra instinct goku is with my knowledge multiversal. battlefield: the null realm. Super Saiyan Xeno Goku defeated both Demigra as well as Chamel. Both Xeno and Cc can … Forum Posts. Low Multiversal with portals Standard Equipment: Power Pole and a bag of Senzu Beans Optional Equipment: Keysword The one that can go Super Saiyan 4 with god ki. Unless you really believe Xeno Goku has "multiverse" durability or destructive capability, then that's just stupid. Multiversal Threat Goku(Xeno) and Goku. Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is the spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features.However, he has softer eyes, a kind demeanor, and a lighter pale skin complexion from his mother, Xeno Gine. Xeno Goku defeated Demigra who's Avatars created a multiverse. Xeno Goku vs Superman strongest incarnation Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. 0. Cheerful, tenacious and also a bit naive, Goku is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant with the mission to destroy it. It’s not really something that is logical, it’s just wacky fanservice. Rather, she spent most of her time training with her father and Piccolo. Born a pure-blooded Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, and is one of the last remaining members of his warrior race. He's implied to be one of the evil Saiyans who fought against the original Super Saiyan God. How powerful is he? And then SSJ4 Xeno Goku fought fairly evenly with Broly Dark who's able to 1-shot Demon God Towa, of which Towa's able to easily toss aside Super Saiyan Xeno Goku's Kamehameha. Low Multiversal with portals. story: odin had caught wind of the tournament of power and went to stop it but is stopped by the grand priest intercepted by the grand priest. 1 Summary 2 Personal Statistics 3 Combat Statistics 4 Other At some point in history, an Alternate Goku mysteriously finds his way to the Supreme Kai of Time and becomes a huge ally in the endeavours of the Time Patrollers. | Extended melee range. As a baby, Goku was sent to Earth prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta in order to fulfill his mission and wipe out all life on the planet, conquering it. Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. The contest began as a personal vendetta between the sister Kais of Time, Chronoa and Carenda, leading to them agreeing to pit their own strongest warriors against each other. Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks. CTAkuma wrote:You forgot to mention that Xeno Goku is not GT Goku and effortlessly defeated a Multiversal entity You are either trolling or completely incapable of reading comprehension. She was born in a variation of the CDBS timeline, and thus never went through the events of Dragon Ball GT. xeno Grandpriest. Multiversal Threat Goku(Xeno) and Goku: Max Lv: SA Lv: Rarity: Type: Cost: 120: 1/10: 53 "Here we GO! The Multiverse basically implodes on itself because Ultra Instinct is far more powerful than Super Saiyan 4 which Goku promised not to use ever because it'd basically fuck time itself. *Disclaimer: when I wrote this answer I had assumed the person asking was actually talking about Lord Zeno, not Xeno Goku, because I do not play DB Xenoverse and did not know such character existed. Taking place at some point in the future of the Original's story, Goku gains immense knowledge and strength, becoming a "God" of Gokus. Phone 833.436.8863 / 833.436tune. Effortlessly host multiple tournaments, leagues and events for your loyal members. Who will win in a fight between Xeno Goku and Cosmic Armor Superman? Xeno Goku's outfit as a Time Patroller. They decide to unleash their unholy monsters right before the Cell Games. 100% jiren would be 384 000 000 universes. Before Master Roshi gave the Power Pole to Grandpa Gohan (who later gave it to Goku prior to the start of Dragon Ball ), … Are you using g the more powerful manga version from the earlier times? Multiversal+ with ki blasts and attacks.
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