I just joined MapleLegends a few days ago and am currently playing as a bowman lvl 21. Leveling/Grinding Guide. Assassin of Paraiso’s primary asset comes from her ability to spam her Noble Phantasm. Play now for FREE and go back in time at https://maplelegends.com/, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. When using skills, it only does 50% damage, but it can still use Critical Throw, and 100% more damage per Lucky 7 is nothing to scoff at. You can even craft your own sets or have them crafted, as crafted weapon and armor sets can require a lot of pre-requisite… Hermits get plenty of useful abilities as well. How the points are distributed into your Dex and Luk does matter, since your damage depends on how u distribute ur AP. Level range Map Mob(s) 1-10: Class tutorial-10-20: !After lvl 40,you should distribute ur AP like this: put 5 AP every 5 Level into Dex,the rest go into Luk.Example:-, Lvl41:+5 Luk Lvl43:+5 Luk Lvl45:+5 Dex Lvl42:+5 Luk Lvl44:+5 Luk, Lv35: 70 DEX, 117 LUK Lv40: 80 DEX, 132 LUK Lv45: 85 DEX, 152 LUK Lv50: 90 DEX, 172 LUK Lv55: 95 DEX, 192 LUK Lv60: 100 DEX, 212 LUK Lv65: 105 DEX, 232 LUK Lv70: 110 DEX, 252 LUK, Lvl 30: 1SP——>1 Javelin Mastery Lvl 31: 3SP——>2 Javelin Mastery,1 Critical Throw Lvl 32: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 33: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 34: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 35: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 36: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 37: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 38: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 39: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 40: 3SP——>3 Critical Throw Lvl 41: 3SP——>2 Critical Throw,1 Javelin Mastery lvl 42: 3SP——>1 Javelin Mastery,2 Javelin Booster Lvl 43: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 44: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 45: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 46: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 47: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 48: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 49: 3SP——>3 Haste Lvl 50: 3SP——>2 Haste,1 Endure Lvl 51: 3SP——>2 Endure,1 Drain Lvl 52: 3SP——>3 Javelin Mastery Lvl 53: 3SP——>3 Javelin Mastery Lvl 54: 3SP——>3 Javelin Mastery Lvl 55: 3SP——>3 Javelin Mastery Lvl 56: 3SP——>3 Javelin Mastery ————————————————-, Lvl 57: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 58: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 59: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 60: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 61: 3SP——>3 Drain lvl 62: 3SP——->3 Drain Lvl 63: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 64: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 65: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 66: 3SP——>2 Endure,1 Javelin Booster Lvl 67: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 68: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 69: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 70: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster, Lvl 57: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 58: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 59: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 60: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 61: 3SP——>3 Javelin Booster Lvl 62: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 63: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 64: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 65: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 66: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 67: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 68: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 69: 3SP——>3 Drain Lvl 70: 3SP——>3 Drain, In the End Javelin Mastery 20(Max) Critical Throw 30(Max) Drain 28 OR 30(Max) Haste 18 OR 20(Max) Javelin Booster 20(Max) Endure 3. They can only drop Dark Marbles or nothing. The reason for saving your SP to invest them later on is because an active skill doubles in cost at level 11 or level 16 (depending on the Max level of the skill), hence if you save the points up in invest them in one go you wont be stuck with an ineffective Lucky Seven. Old School MapleStory is back! Shadow Partner: Active (Level 30). I'm currently a 90 hermit, but no idea where to go from now. The shuriken will rip through the enemy and keep going, able to hit up to 6 enemies. [@#14] – Assassin Hints and Tips [@#15] – Assassin Skill Information [@#16] – Equipment Guide – Researched from Hidden Street [@#17] – Item Making Guide [@#18] – Hermit Information and skills. They are all modified so you can kill them, so you don’t have to worry. Shadow Web: Active (Level 30). Voting for MapleLegends requires you to insert the CAPTCHA on GTOP100 and clicking the … You can use this guide for both Reboot and regular servers. After reaching level 30, you will be very experienced in Maple Story. Level 25 #Guild with all useful skills unlocked. Dust to Dust – Find 1 Artifact in 2012. 1 Game Dev Tycoon: New Topics and Consoles Compatibility (v.1.6.11) This guide will show the compatibility of the combinations of the new topics and consoles as of version 1.6.11 Reviews key: +++ Great ++ Good + Okay -- Bad --- Terrible (Very limited knowledge and skill with formatting, but the information is all present!) Your email address will not be published. This is a sequel to the Assassins creed 2 game, you will see and find Ezio's whole new slick skills. Go back to the Fusion Jazz Club where you became a Rogue so very long ago and talk to the Night Road. A slow assassin wouldn’t survive very long – if he’s still standing there when the body hits the floor and he has a giant bloody knife in his hands…he’s pretty much screwed. This specific quest featured in the latest Assassin’s Creed video game developed by Ubisoft; is very short, but in case you need help completing it, the following guide explains what you have to do.. I thought about doing PQs too but from what I see there isn't much people at KPQ. Ragnarok Online Assassin Guide . I've been 17 juin 2018 maplestory night lord guide 2017 maplelegends hp washing maplelegends training guidemaplestory night lord equipment guide silachan Even though this isn't technically a Night Lord guide, I will mention some 4th job related things as this guide should be used to set-up for 4th job More information by clicking here. Question. I’am going to be write a Assassin FAQ since I’ve been browsing round the thief board and I’ve found it to lack a decent guide, more hints and tips, so this is all work in progress, it might require some legal speil … Level 150+ please. I’am going to be write a Assassin FAQ since I’ve been browsing round the thief board and I’ve found it to lack a decent guide, more hints and tips, so this is all work in progress, it might require some legal speil too, and full credit to the authors of whom my work is based. Double Attack Katar Build Assassin Dual Dagger Build Assassin Critical Build Assassin. This FAQ is riddled with information and every peice is relevant. Training Gear If you want to level up as fast as possible, you would want gear that has the trait Training (or so called “training gear”). Maplestory Training Guide for Assassins by Emma posted in Computers and Technology: Video Games. I've only been on the server for a few weeks, but from what I can tell, you just pay for leech now? 1 Hotdog's Personal Progression Guide 1.1 Freshie Hours 1.2 Mana 1.3 Sigil Helmet 1.4 Base & Support 1.5 Super This guide will show you how to progress in the game to become an ultra class. To me,assassins are the coolest character on MS.The way their combat and skills is appealing to me and attact me to play this character.As u all know,assassins use stars as its weopens and there is many different stars which has different attack damage.Earlier in the game,they kill much better than bandits.With critical throw,assassins lucky seven damage increase which assassins can dealt quite high damages.With Haste and Drain as their skill,they can last longer which makes them can kill fast and more monsters in a time. where you be? Below are guides submitted by players -- feel free to submit your guide to us, but please read the guidelines before submitting.. To submit a guide, you are required to have a HS.Network account (Register here if you do not have one).Once you are logged in, just submit your guide through the user navigation menu on the right sidebar. MapleLegends is a v62 GMS-Like Server. We have put in several months of development, along with over 4 months of beta testing, and released on April 1st 2015. The battle maneuvers and superiority dice are great, especially if I get the much coveted assassinate in round 1 so I can do an additional 2d8 damage, but also in later rounds (making the post 1st round assassin much better, IMO). 3.6. It may help you. You should be partying with a priest at CDs, i found this on the forums and used it https://forum.maplelegends.com/index.php?attachments/screenshot-9-png.12130/. After doing both quests on Maple Island, take the boat to Lith Harbour. The assassin is a freelance operator who has recently stolen a relic from Entrana. The part of the FAQ is dedicated on how to spend your AP and SP effectively and the best methods for making those levels as quickly and efficiently as possible. The Best Assassin Armour In Skyrim While many people settle for the Thieves Guild Armour or Nightingale Armour when playing a stealth character, these are both eclipsed by the Dark Brotherhood’s Ancient Shrouded Armour .The only problem with this armour is it involves joining the shadiest group in Skyrim, the Dark Brotherhood and carrying out a series of cold blooded murders. He’s currently 16th level (Fighter 9/Rogue 7). ... Assassins Creed brotherhood is a xbox 360 game, made by ubisoft. MapleStory Assassin/Hermit Guide for all By, SinMastah/Tubby353 Table of Contents 1.1 Introduction 2.1 Legal Info 3.1 Starting Off 4.1 Rogue Skills 4.2 Assassin Skills 4.3 Hermit Skills 5.1 Regular Stat Build 5.2 Low DEX Stat Build 6.1 Rogue Skill Build 6.2 Assassin Skill Build 6.3 Hermit Skill Build 7.1 Funded vs. For claws lvl 15 to 50, see JM From tha Streetz in Kerning City. The higher your Skill Level, the further the second jump will take you. If you are following this guide like its stated then your Thief skills should be: Nimble Body:20(Max) Lucky Seven:20(Max) Keen Eyes:8(Max) Darksight:10 OR 3 Disorder:10 OR 3 Double Stab:0, Level 1-10 Maple Island Level 10-18 The Tree that Grew Level 18-21 Green Mushrooms or continue with Slimes at the Tree that Grew Level 21-30 PQ(Slow when begining but once u has the correct stars and lvl 25 above,it will be fast) or Level 21-25 Green OR Hornies Mushrooms at Ellenia Level 25-30 Hornies Mushrooms, When you are lvl 1-10,I do say Maple Island is the best place to train or u can party with people at Victoria Island if u think train alone is slow.After u have change job,u can either train at Ellenia OR outside Kerning City until you reach lvl 15.When you reach lvl 15,i think the best place to train is Slime Tree. Level 30-40 Wild Boars (Hidden Street Land of the Wild Boar) Level 41-50 Evil Eyes (Cave of the Evil Eye) (Yes till 50) OR Fire Boars at Burnt Land II OR Copper Drakes and Fire Boars at Dangerous Valley Level 51-60 Stone Golems or Blue Mushrooms at THE ENTRANCE TO GOLLEMS TEMPLE OR Dark Stone Golems and Curse Eyes at SLEEPY DUNGEON IV Level 60-70 WILD CARGO AREA,SANCTUARY ENTRANCE II,DANGEROUS VALLEY II. Join today to be one of the first to re … 2 grim R> DarkRelic in Elysium. It is a comprehensive strategy and build walk-through which should answer any questions you have. For one, Meso Up is an ability that increases the amount of mesos you gain. *This is base stats,it don’t count the extra stats your equipment adds…. Glove Upgrade —————————————————-, Talk to JM From thz Streetz in Kerning City, Mithril Stealine (lvl 20) 7 def +1 DEX Bronze Stealine, 1 Mithril, 5 000 mesos, Dark Stealine (lvl 20) 8 def +2 DEX Bronze Stealine, 1 Opal, 7 000 mesos, Mithril Woodship (lvl 25) 9 def +1 LUK Bronze Woodship, 2 Mithrils, 10 000 mesos, Dark Woodship (lvl 25) 10 def +2 LUK Bronze Woodship, 2 Opals, 12 000 mesos, Silver Sylvia (lvl 30) 11 def +1 LUK Steel Sylvia, 2 Silvers, 15 000 mesos, Gold Sylvia (lvl 30) 12 def +2 LUK Steel Sylvia, 1 Gold, 20 000 mesos, Orihalcon Arbion (lvl 35) 13 def +1 LUK Steel Arbion, 3 Orihalcons, 22 000 mesos, Gold Arbion (lvl 35) 14 def +2 LUK Steel Arbion, 2 Golds, 25 000 mesos, Gold Cleave (lvl 40) 15 def +2 LUK Red Cleave, 4 Golds, 40 000 mesos, Dark Cleave (lvl 40) 16 def +3 LUK Red Cleave, 2 Black Crystals, 50 000 mesos, Red Moon Glove (lvl 50) 19 def +2 LUK +1 DEX Blue Moon Glove, 5 Garnets, 55 000 mesos, Brown Moon Glove (lvl 50) 20 def +1 Avoid +3 LUK Blue Moon Glove, 2 Gold, 1 Black Crystal, 60 000 mesos. For you conveniance I have quoted Unknown_PC’s Skill list for the Assassin Skills. [@#11] – Assassin AP Guide [@#12] – Assassin SP Guide [@#13] – Where to train as a Assassin? Summon a shadow partner that mimics your actions for a set time, or until its HP reach 0. [@#1] – Introduction -So why a Assassin [@#2] – What does this FAQ help me with? (male pants) -> Yeti *Dark Stud Pants? For example: LV21 +5 LUK LV23 +5 LUK LV25 +5 DEX LV27 +5 LUK LV29 +5 DEX LV22 +5 LUK LV24 +5 DEX LV26 +5 LUK LV28 +5 LUK LV30 +5 DEX. You will be wanting to aim for as near perfect stats as you can get, hence your going to need to roll a 4/4 for both Str and Int, however if you lack the patience you could always settle for a 4/5 or possibly even a 5/5 or 4/6 if your not a perfectionist. Hi. Thanks to her 3-turn Arts buff on Curse of the Orochi , her high base NP gain rate, and her Arts NP with a decent hit count, Assassin of Paraiso can refund her Kuchiyose・Ibuki Daimyōjin Engi pretty well especially with additional Arts cards. This is a guide designed for GMS only. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MapleLegends community, Old School MapleStory is back! LV10: 25 DEX, 37 LUK LV15: 30 DEX, 57 LUK LV20: 40 DEX, 72 LUK LV25: 50 DEX, 87 LUK LV30: 60 DEX, 102 LUK. Extra Credit: 30 seconds rest between sets. I’ve had a lot of fun playing an Assassin/Fighter (Battle Master) multiclass. In the fourth installment of our LoL items guide mini-series by PicklePants, we will discuss items that synergize well with assassins. The story missions are set up in a way that makes it pretty much impossible to stay at the suggested level, which you probably should be at, so you are going to have to level up in ways outside the main story. Note: The above stats are correct as I’ve personally checked them on the trading boards. He’ll give you a Proof of Hero to take back to the Night Road. (male pants) -> Luster Pixie *Blue Stud Pants? While the main emphasis of the Assassin is Luk and Dex, it helps an awful lot if you can hit monsters consistently (if not 100% of the time), hence this leveling strategy follows what has become the traditional cookie cutter build. But Elixir items’ effects will not increase. 3.4. I am wondering if anybody has a good idea of where can I train at the different levels? Does anyone have a guide for leveling? The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Alchemist is an ability that increases the efficiency of potions, so it is easier to heal yourself. Try to follow this guide. You can receive all of this from different content, be it Overland (meaning in the world like worldbosses or delves) or from trials, dungeons and PvP. 3. This spawns a shadow that attaches to you and mimics everything you do. 0) -> Jr. Wraith, Cold Eye, Lunar Pixie, Luster Pixie, Gollem Wooden Tops (lev. The community of onRPG's former Forum 57, the Maple Story forum, for helping me, giving me tips on how to be an Assassin, leading to this guide. Receive more Vote Cash by voting in a row! Tip: You are ALLOWED to vote on multiple accounts at same time on MapleLegends due to lack of 'Vote2win' content. Turn your own shadow into a spider web to capture an enemy, preventing it from being able to move, cast magic, and use skills. Has a cooldown of 5 sec. [@#3] – The Walk-through – Thief FAQ [@#4] – Rolling Your Stats [@#5] – Thief AP Guide [@#6] – Thief SP Guide [@#7] – Where to train as a Thief? For you conveniance I have quoted Unknown_PC’s Skill list for the Thief Skills.

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