The genetic counselor told me that I am not the only one who has reported to their office that the gender results of their blood test were not accurate. Fetal fraction 11% I took the test at 13+5weeks. We were gonna have a baby! Jan-2016. My NHS risk was only 1 in 140 but it looks like I'm the 2. I didn't think they could tell via ultrasound at 12 weeks? Am 10 weeks tomorro and have booked in for next Wednesday to have the NIPT test done at ultrasound direct Due to my age (37) and sky high HCG levels ( I have hyper emesis and HCG was tested at 7w5d and gynae said " sky high" ) my odds will come back from combined as high risk anyway so thought would just do it now ! I would have thought a test that is based on the dna of the baby would be highly accurate. Yep… we even had a gender reveal party for our Girl. But as the conditions affect less than 1% of all children born, a dummy test that gave everybodya low chance result would be 99% accurate. I've had the NIPT test done in 2 pregnancies and the NIPT was accurate both times. Has this happened to anyone else before? Hello! They ended up having a girl.) How could the NIPT be wrong? : hi mummies, desperately seeking some advice or knowledge! .. of course I'll be happy if he's healthy but I've bought about 80 outfits all in pink!!! The results came back at 12 weeks saying girl. @aschnees, Hello, I got the NIPT test done and the results said girl. Hi, I had an Iona test at 14 weeks the sonographer told me it was a boy and then sent my bloods off, results came back low risk and also that the baby was not a boy but a GIRL!! We did not do genetic testing on our only embryo during IVF, so finding out if our baby was genetically normal was on my priority list. My OB said that doesn't really hold any water. Hello i had nipt test done showed boy and girl on US. We have no idea what to believe although the ultrasound shows boy parts. I have since had two outside ultrasounds along with my anatomy scan that all confirm “boy” parts and no girl parts. They ended up having a girl.) 92. He said he'd never in his career known a NIPT test to be incorrect. I did the harmony blood test thru my doc office at 10weeks and knew boy. What we saw on the screen was anything but “girl parts”. They’re not using them anymore. Duting the anatomy scan, the sonographer said it was a boy, she sounded sure and saw it twice, she even said that, it was sticking out so it was clearly a boy. However, I had my 20 week scan today & the technicians (after several opinions) all agreed that we are having a boy! I had the NIPT done right at 10w 3d and it came back boy. I had a harmony for twins and know 1 is a boy. Definitely think that I should go with the NIPT bloods, I guess I will find out in 6 weeks at gender u/s confirmation – my gut still tells me girl. 3 amazing sons born 2001, 2004, 2006. I have blood test saying girl, but it could be a boy if the y chromosome was to negligible to detect. Next draw was 14 weeks, 4 days. I thought they were 99% accurate. We had our 20-week anatomy scan a few weeks later and got the ultimate confirmation. Fertility Journey to Motherhood | Infertility Blog, After I found out I was pregnant after IVF, I was excited for a lot of things. The websites of most private providers state that NIPT is ‘99% accurate’ or has ‘99% sensitivity’. Seriously! But, we are no longer pregnant. It can get contaminated. It screens for Down syndrome and a few other chromosomal conditions, and it can tell you whether you're having a boy or a girl. However, I had my 20 week scan today & the technicians (after several opinions) all agreed that we are having a boy! Female sex determination at the Ultrasound is somewhere around 80%, even at great clinics. Add a comment. 2 beautiful daughters born 2012, 2016. The only thing I have been offered is an amniocentesis to know for sure, but I’m super scared to go that route. Comments (12) Add a comment / 2. I am having twin girls. I had the NIPT test done at 12.5 weeks as I had a higher chance of downs so we wanted to be able to prepare if so! As said before, when NIPT it's done too early, it can miss the Y chromosome, so there is more cases of being wrong with girls, who are then boys. We tried Sneak Peek and had an amazing experience. IT’S FUN BEING ONE Happy Birthday, Zachary! Friend of mine also did the test and she got a perfect result to. The NIPT test is a first trimester screening test that can look for increased risk of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities. The test is ultra sensitive in detecting risk of Down Syndrome. I have since had 5 more ultrasounds and they have all shown girl! I had an outside NIPT done at 9 weeks and it said “boy”, had my NIPT through my doctors office to check for chromosomal abnormalities and it came back “Girl” Fetal fraction was 3.8. 24 In the Netherlands, NIPT is being provided as a screen to all pregnant women regardless of risk as part of the TRIDENT‐2 implementation study. Xx. I have heard of other instances where the NIPT said boy but ultrasound showed girl so it's not that weird for that to happen I guess. What did you find out? I am now 15 weeks and went to a local ultrasound place and she said it was a boy. And she actually had a boy. You are most likely having a boy. NIPT is a blood test that's available to all pregnant women beginning at 10 weeks of pregnancy. I HAVE DID NIPT WITH NATERA TOO AT 10+3 WEEKS NOT SURE OF FF, BEEN TRYING TO GET THAT INFO FOR THE LONGEST FROM MY OBGYN BUT NO ANSWER, I AM SOOOO CERTAIN THAT THIS BABY IS A BOY!!!! Long story short but I got told I’m having a BOY. NIPT test said girl but 20 week ultrasound shows boy?!!! Congratulations again. My 20w anatomy scan said girl, she is so absolutely a girl no mistake. My husband and I have been battling infertility for 10 years and I wanted to document our TTC Journey. Can the NIPT test gender result be wrong? But visually we seen it today! I think it'll be nice to have another girl so close in age. Hi ladies ! Here's an overview of how it works: while you're pregnant, some of your fetus's DNA enters into your blood. This is what I was told by my doctor and by the laboratory technician. I was super freaked out because everyone said how rare that was. Hi there! HI I DID THE NIPT TEST WITH NATERA AT 10 + 3 ALSO AND SAID GIRL, BUT I WANT TO GET AN ULTRASOUND TO CONFIRM THIS SATURDAY, I WILL BE 13 WEEKS I AM HOPING AND PRAYING A BOY, HAVE YOU CONFIRMED YOUR BABY GENDER? Did the test at 9 weeks, said it was a girl, 20 week scan confirmed it. I have heard of a neighbor here where I live whose blood test said girl and it ended up being a boy … She already had a girl, and I said that she was having another girl. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. ... thought it was probably a baby girl... just because we don’t have many boys in our family. What did you find our at your 20 weeks ultrasound? I'd say you're having a girl and go crazy with the shopping. The most important thing is that they are healthy and well. TashieAnne. NIPT sex determination is supposed to be around 99%. My NIPT said boy because of the Y chromosome and my genetic counselor said we could be certain it was because I would not have any Y chromosomes in my blood. My fetal fraction was 4.3%, so now I’m waiting for my 20wk scan to confirm gender. Merry Christmas E, Tips and Advice for a Successful IVF Cycle, 13 Fun Old-Wives Tales to Predict Baby’s Gender. It is a good test – but it can be unreliable for the gender screening! Thankfully, everything came back normal and that we were having a GIRL. I’ll have a 3 D ultrasound at 13 weeks do you think I can confirm the baby gender at that time? Including our recent Gender Reveal. They say not before 10weeks. I think most people would assume that this means their result will tell them pretty much for sure whether their fetus has one of the conditions or not. 3-Vessel Cord, all heart chambers, kidneys, brain function, and fingers and toes! The first time we used NIPT the gender was confirmed on the 20 week ultrasound. That ultrasound pic sure looks like a girl to me. Because of the miscarriage, we waited until our anatomy scan to confirm the sex. NIPT is a prenatal screening, which looks at DNA from your placenta in a sample of your blood to identify whether you’re at increased risk of giving birth to a child with a genetic disorder such as any of the Trisomys or Down Syndrome. It was the big day -- the day my husband and I would find out whether our first child was a boy or a girl. Me. Doctor came in the room and said ultrasound pictures look great. In Belgium, NIPT has been available for reimbursement as a primary screening test since July 2017. That's what prompted me to do it. But hey sneak peak has a 50 50 of being right. I chose the test offered by Harmony. Another test sold online is a blood test that claims to be the same as the NIPT test. (Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard and his wife revealed on Instagram in 2017 that the blood test told them they were expecting a boy, but the ultrasound revealed a girl. My wife had the Maternit21 test done at 12w3d, the day after we did an elective ultrasound at a boutique and the tech immediately told us BOY & gave us several labeled ultrasound potty shots and side views. : Hi everyone, Has anyone ever had an experience with this test and incorrect results? But every inch of my soul plus other things tell me it’s a girl!!! my last baby was a boy. ! Baby had all working parts. Obviously, we were shocked and confused. Watch Queue Queue. We were also told that we would be having a girl. That's lovely a boy. Having said Boy and had a girl? Again, NIPT tests are very reliable, but not perfect. You have me nervous now. Hi I had my genetic screening at10+3 at my doctor office and the results came that I’ll have a girl, I already have 3 girls so I hope they will be wrong. Could go either way. : I’m literally going crazy. I know NIPT can be wrong though so it's up to you. This was going to be our 3rd baby, and our first girl! 24 In the Netherlands, NIPT is being provided as a screen to all pregnant women regardless of risk as part of the TRIDENT‐2 implementation study. - BabyCenter Canada (Florida Georgia Line’s Tyler Hubbard and his wife revealed on Instagram in 2017 that the blood test told them they were expecting a boy, but the ultrasound revealed a girl. "So I took it this morning and it said boy. At 21 1/2 weeks, we saw that we were indeed having a boy. I ended up finding a private ultrasound really close to my house and booked an ultrasound for peace of mind.   It's common for male genitalia to be missed. Read More: How to Conceive a Boy or a Girl: The Shettles Method Baby Eye Color Predictor Nipt gender: Hello, Has anyone had... - Fertility Network UK. Hello Ashley, Platy3 the Iona test pulls the babies DNA from mine to test for downs etc then they test for chromosomes. Check out our vlog to see our 20-week ultrasound pictures. We were also told that we would be having a girl. Oh no. 06/30/2016 14:24 Subject: Accuracy of gender prediction with NIPT test . GENDERmaker Gender Predictor Test Kit. I was so pleased!! OP, this is very unlikely, but I’ve seen it happen with SneakPeek tests because they are easily contaminated since they are not administered in a clinical environment. My name is Rissa and welcome to my Fertility TTC Blog.

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