A member in good standing with the National Kitchen and Bath Association, Asaff has working knowledge of all areas of home design. It is well-advised that you consult with a reputable contractor or design-build firm that can help you explore your options, both from a design and cost perspective. The wall behind the soffit, as well as any walls that run perpendicular to the soffit may be subject to damage when the soffit is removed. If removed, it is likely that the wall behind the soffit or the ceiling above will need to be repaired, refinished, or redesigned altogether. Soffits don't always stop where the cabinets do. In case there is any furniture that is close to the soffits and you feel that it might get damaged, move it to the other corner of the kitchen, or outside. A homeowner wanted to update her kitchen. Removing the soffits will also impact surrounding walls and ceilings. Cabinetry from StarMark Cabinetry Maple Bridgeport Door Painted White, topped off with Azul Platino Granite and a Glass Tile Backsplash. Removing the soffits from your kitchen can make the room look taller, as well as more modern. 1 AB, $11.000 for painting is way too much. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. | Thomasmarbleandgranite says: January 21, 2020 at 11:15 pm Bunkhead & Soffit Removal – Bigger Than the Three of Us – Over the following week, we worked on the rest of the soffit (well in the U-shape of the kitchen – we still have the soffit above the fridge and stove at this point). If it's empty, there is little difficulty in removing it. When it is time to remove kitchen cabinets from the wall, have at least one person hold them in place while you take out the screws and/or nails. The Difficulty of Removing Soffit in a Kitchen. Let me know what you think of our kitchen remodel before and after! Kitchen Remodel: Before and Soffit Removal >> Tuesday, February 1, 2011 – house. If you choose to remove your soffit, cut a hole in the side and look in there first. Removing the soffit may cause some damage to the cabinets below it. These can be as minor as installing new drywall above the cabinets, or it may mean patching and repairing the drywall in a large section of the room. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. See how these kitchens transformed from closed-off and barely functional to dreamy, bright rooms that easily handle the day's tasks. Before: This 50s Ranch had a peninsula with low hanging cabinets that kept the kitchen feeling small and dark. Well, slap me with butter and call me a biscuit! This kitchen was transformed on a budget and is far from perfect, but I am so proud of what we accomplished in this space. Remove the old cabinets, if there were any. Sarabeth Asaff has worked in and has written about the home improvement industry since 1995. The kitchen ceiling should have conventional framing. A kitchen soffit often called a “bulkhead,” is a portion of the ceiling that has been built lower than the area around it. Be prepared if you remove the soffit to have some ceiling repairs to complete. Removing the soffits, having cabinetry and molding go all the way to the ceiling, along with a modern range hood, made all the difference in this kitchen. 11 Kitchen Remodeling Ideas to Add Long-Term Function and Value to Your Home. Schedule a personal consultation with Riverside Construction to discuss your kitchen remodeling ideas, and take a look through our kitchen remodeling portfolio to see some great ways to disguise, remove, or incorporate kitchen soffits into a beautiful design. See professionally prepared estimates for kitchen soffit removal work. Constructed of lumber and drywall, these exposed boxes have fallen out of favor in recent years as trends moved toward extending the cabinets right to the ceiling to provide more storage space and make the kitchen look taller. The reach-in laundry in the before picture was relocated to another part of the house and that wall closed. We're finally almost finished with our kitchen remodel, and I finally got a card reader to download photos from my camera, so here we go! By removing the drywall, we could see the skeleton of the soffit and any obstacles that needed to be avoided when using the reciprocating saw. It is a bulkhead, constructed out of the surrounding wall to encase the cabinet tops. The cost to Remove a Kitchen Soffit starts at $6.37 - $12.93 per linear foot, but can vary significantly with site conditions and options. The only way to know what is behind the soffit is to look at the original building plans or to cut holes into strategic areas to determine what’s inside. Then make one cut about 4-5 feet along the soffit. West Lafayette, Indiana 47906 Also, be sure to sign up for our. ! with Riverside Construction to discuss your kitchen remodeling ideas, and take a look through our, to see some great ways to disguise, remove, or incorporate kitchen soffits into a beautiful design. Depending on how your cabinets where built, they may be firmly attached to the underside of the soffit. If it’s determined that the soffit is indeed hiding plumbing, vents, ducts, or other mechanicals, removing it will be more complicated. Our plan of attack involved cutting through the vertical 2×4 studs. Often the wall behind the soffit was not finished because the soffit was going into place. Make cooking, dining, and entertaining easy with a kitchen that's filled with style and amenities that fit your family's needs. Here’s a view of the kitchen in Las Vegas from last fall before we removed the old countertop and cabinets and lowered the pony wall. Soffit Removal Affects the Ceiling and Walls. New doors, drawer fronts and hardware complete the transformation to the cabinets. What Is A Kitchen Soffit And Can I Remove It? Plus, the weight of the soffit is drastically reduced without that extra weight. Although not as popular today, soffits are common in older homes built before the year 2000. - This transformation is UNBELIEVABLE! We finally cut holes in soffits to make sure we know what we were dealing with and found that half the soffits are full, or partially full, of "stuff." Before committing to a kitchen soffit removal, take careful consideration of these four relevant facts: A kitchen soffit serves a purpose, which is typically to cover up and hide the necessary kitchen wiring, ductwork, and even plumbing. Because kitchen soffits are purposeful and involve integral structural and functional elements of your kitchen, it’s important to discuss your ideas with a home remodeling professional before taking any steps or making any decisions. How to Install Wood Soffits Above Cabinets, How to Install Cabinet Molding in the Kitchen, How to Enlarge Rooms by Removing Inner Walls, How to Remodel to Make One Family Room Out of Two Rooms, Schloegel: How Do We Get Rid of Above Cabinet Soffits, Reliable Remodeler: Updating By Removing Kitchen Soffits, How to Take Down a Soffit in Your Kitchen. Occasionally, this cannot be done, and the pipes are left exposed. A kitchen soffit serves a purpose, which is typically to cover up … Below are some exciting suggestions for kitchen soffits. You can look through your Before And After Kitchen Soffit Removal.Remember to save or share Before And After Kitchen Soffit Removal using Ctrl + D (PC) or Command + D (MacOS) for the future references. Oh, and the kitchen sink! ... Before & After Kitchen - … The soffit may be resting on them, or it may even be bolted to them. After: With the peninsula out, the old formal dining room became an island with a fresh and informal room everyone loves to hang in! Score the drywall with a razor knife where the existing ceiling and the soffit meet to avoid tearing the drywall [inasmuch as possible]. Yes it will give you more room for cabinets, it'll open the space up to help give it height, and you can have your cabinets to the ceiling. In many cases they may run into the adjoining room of the kitchen, or out across the kitchen after the cabinet run ends. It can also pave the way for newer, taller cabinets to increase the storage in the kitchen. Everything. And in the end, we love how this project turned out! The soffit is the area across the top and the ceiling of the kitchen cabinets. These amazing kitchen before-and-after makeovers will inspire you to start planning a kitchen renovation of your own. Client did not like the tired looking Oak cabinets with soffits. If it is full of pipes or duct work, the difficulty lies in rerouting these items. Identifying what is above the kitchen can also sometimes provide clues as to what is inside the soffit. When installing taller cabinets or adding embellishments … Performing a Soffit-Ectomy. This means that when you pull the soffit frame down, you may tear or put a hole in the existing drywall. If you plan to remove your soffit, be aware of some of the problems and surprises that may arise from this undertaking. It shows the drop down kitchen soffit above the footprint of the space which I wanted to remove so very much so that the kitchen’s ceiling was the same height as the adjacent family room and breakfast nook. I was tired of the outdated look of my soffits, after scouring the web for ideas I came up with these. A few before shots: As you can see, our kitchen … What’s Behind the Kitchen Soffit? I have soffits and looking for idea of how to get rid of them before starting the project. In fact, many of the first soffits were built for this reason: as a way of boxing in mechanical and electrical items that would otherwise have nowhere to go. It may even damage a portion of the ceiling in front of where the soffit was. Emser Tile 4” x 16” Subway in White Matte and Warm Gray Grout. How many times have you looked at those ugly soffits and wanted them out of your kitchen? Soffits are typically installed just above the kitchen cabinets, bridging the gap between the cabinets and the … Even if a soffit can be removed without disturbing ducts, pipes, or wiring, any cabinetry touching the soffit will need to be, at least, temporarily removed. Othertimes, the wall was finished, but the frame of the soffit is screwed directly into the studs. The soffits may not be eliminated but can be operated and placed in such a way that these don’t look uncomfortable. © Copyright 2020 Riverside Construction -, How to Select the Best Flooring For Your Home Workout Room, Five Benefits to Downsizing Your Home and Simplifying Your Life. As a result, many interior designers today would likely recommend removing soffits to create extra space above the cabinets, or to extend the cabinets to the ceiling to make the kitchen appear taller, more spacious and add additional hidden storage. The Home Mender shows us how to remove kitchen cabinets, a kitchen soffit from a ceiling, install new drywall and apply new tape and mud. Remove Kitchen Soffit – Pricing and Removal Cost Checklist Get at least 3-5 estimates before hiring a Remodeling, or General Contractor — estimates are typically free, unless it’s a small job. On the off chance you are utilizing mobile phone, you … KITCHEN SOFFIT IDEAS – Like any other rooms, a kitchen can’t escape from wire, pipe and other mechanical items.Of course, you don’t want the kitchen is filled up with wire and pipe here and there. I found company JPD Kitchen Depot in Chicago suburbs. Mar 4, 2016 - Before and after for updating drop ceiling kitchen fluorescent lighting Create a Bulkhead in the Cabinet Soffits. Since removing soffits can create a mess, you should use a drop-cloth right over the kitchen counter and under the cabinets. Removing soffits above upper cabinets is another way to give the appearance of an open environment. 932 Robinson St. WOW! If there is nothing above the kitchen, there is a higher likelihood that there is nothing critical inside the soffit. We completely gutted and gave this kitchen a huge facelift. Many times the soffit is removed to allow new cabinets the chance to extend to the ceiling, but sometimes the soffit is removed for other reasons that leave the cabinets in place. See typical tasks and time to remove a kitchen soffit, along with per unit costs and material requirements. We have been planning to remove the soffits and install new custom 42" cabinets + 4" crown. If removing your kitchen soffit is not in your plan or budget, you may consider options that make them less noticeable.

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