level 2. A: Stealth kill about fifteen generic Great Khans and cancel the suicide attack by 'destroying' the Khans. 4. share. One can talk Monroe into honoring the deal and not killing the Great Khans. After all, the Great Khans have it coming, and killing them will only make the NCR respect you even more. He informs the player character he has been given orders to kill the Great Khans, hostages or not. Thus, severing the Great Khans' ties with Caesar while staying on their good side is a prerequisite.) Kill all great khans regardless of feelings. B: Install an unofficial patch to fix the problem(try New Vegas Nexus). 1 year ago. Is there any way to avoid any confrontation, or should I just suck it up and get out my hunting rifle? What, Khans are good. Report Save. 1. All three should work fine, though I don't know of the IDs necessary to set the objective for the quest. The Khans are a stateless peoples who are descended from one of the three raider clans that originated from Vault 15. level 1. Papa Khan is the leader of the Great Khans living in Red Rock Canyon in 2281. The Great Khan had a keen eye for talent, and he usually promoted his officers on skill and experience rather than class, ancestry or even past allegiances. - Thanks. I have a soft spot for the Khans for some reason, despite them helping Benny to shaft you at the start. Yeah part of the problem is that the area is such a tight space, you're a sitting duck. Should you choose to take another route, please keep in mind that it won't be covered here. Go back and speak with Lieutenant Monroe. I don't want to have to kill them all. ;) gears of duty. The Great Khans reside in Mongolian style tents called Gers (yurts) within Red Rock Canyon, however unlike the other settlers of the Mojave, these homes are used for little more than sleeping in, as they usually only have room for a couple beds and a central fire.A Great Khan often carries all of their possessions with them, if they should decide to have anything besides the bare essentials. Ceasar’s Luncheon. C: Use console commands to set the objective as complete. 5. share. Report Save. This results in the player character gaining fame with the Great Khans and the NCR, receiving good Karma, and an additional 300XP. 1 year ago. The Great Khans liked me. Oh My Papa I was wondering because if not for using the Alien Blaster wiping everyone out would be impossible, Caesars Praetorian kill me in two punches before I even raise my gun. You don't have to kill Papa Khan to break the Khans' alliance with the Legion, but you do have to kill him to get them to ally with the NCR as far as I know. They have a long and turbulent history, and have been nearly wiped out on three separate occasions. After learning what the NCR did at Bitter Springs i rarely kill Khans anymore. Lock n' load. BUT the Khans are raiders (as in raid things, not capital R Raiders as in psychopaths), mercs, brutal, and drug dealers (along with supplying a band of Raiders and allowing run loose on innocents (including rape and burning people alive) just to get back at NCR) put simple there is a reason they were killed to the last man, TWICE.
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