For example, I hadn't bought "Bon Voyage" when it was released because of the DRM mess it could create on computers, but of course, I didn't miss the opportunity to download the Sims 2 Complete Collection when EA offered it to us, and what a treat! 4.3 out of 5 stars 13. $21.89. Fulltime. The new environments are great, and Adds a whole new dimension to Sims 2. The Sims 2 - Starbucks Doubleshot Energy Drinks. I bought a disc copy of The Sims 3, or a The Sims 3 expansion or stuff pack on disc. Za Mac OS X operativni sustav, izdan je 17. prosinca 2007. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage (released as The Sims 2: World Adventure in some regions) is the sixth expansion pack released in The Sims 2 series of PC games.It was released on September 4, 2007 in North America and September 6, 2007 in Europe for the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Origin. If you have BV, go to your Bon Voyage folder (C:\Program Files\EA Games\The Sims 2 Bon Voyage\ or wherever you installed it). One problem with the Sims 3 unless you go to formal wear you won't be able to wear a dress which is kind of annoying, but their are mods out there to fix these things! Requirements: The Sims 2, Bon Voyage: No Chance of Plant Sim: Creator: jfade Date: March 4, 2008 Description: This hack completely removes the chance of a Sim becoming a Plant Sim. The Sims 3 - Bon Voyage Hidden Tiki Mask for The Sims 3 This is The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Hidden Tiki Mask for men for The Sims 3. Worldwide. 95. A_EA The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Expansion Pack - Box Cover.jpg download 617.5K EA The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Expansion Pack - CD.jpg download When I think of a vacation ep I think search for shells,wave watching,building sandcastles,gift shops,real hotels,open resturents,tours,a boat like we had in the sims 2 our sims could explore,secret waterfall locations,kiacking,hiking,axe throwing. Bon Voyage expansion pack was released in 2007, now being 2014 I was still kind of leery about downloading this to my laptop. This is the Sims 2 Bon Voyage Producer's Walkthrough. SimGuruTaterTot has shared an image of an upcoming Set! I came up with some ideas about it, that would be better than Sims 2. The Sims 3 - Nana Tree UnPotted for TS3 CASTable, The Sims 2 - Nana Tree UnPotted Bon Voyage Required, The Sims 2 - TSM mop as Default Replacement TS2 mop., I agree with the op we need an official vacation ep but I still want new worlds made. Notify me. Now you can garden with your mind at ease, with no worries about that chemical you're spraying transforming your Sim into something you don't want. Bon Voyage CAS. A while ago, when the Sims 2 Expansion packs went on sale, I bought both Sims 2 Best of Business and Sims 2 Bon Voyage. Twikkii Island ( / t ˈ w ɪ k i ˈ aɪ l ə n d /) is a Tropical-themed sub-neighborhood that appears in The Sims 2: Bon Voyage as a vacation destination. Traveling to other worlds can be done and it has been done: Like AMB turned out similar but different than OFB, I'm sure there will be a Business EP. Spend the night in your choice of private room with bath or in the dormitory. However, having only Sims season, this expansion deleted a lot of my custom data, why I don't know. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage — шосте доповнення для відеогри 2004 року жанру симулятору життя «The Sims 2». At any rate the sims 3 is nearing completion and most likely ep 10 after university will be the last in 2013. It's similar to The Sims 1 vacation but with differences (as one would expect). Gameplay. What I want to see is a vacation ep like sims 2 bonvoyage. The Sims 3 - The Red Brick Cafe (Bistro Recolor), The Sims 2 - Timex Alarm Clock with 8 Recolors, The Sims 3 - CASTable Aloe Floor Plant from Showtime, The Sims 3 - CASTable Aloe Table Plant from Showtime. Island Paradise is a vacation and adventure-themed expansion, similar to The Sims: Vacation, The Sims 2: Bon Voyage, and The Sims 3: World Adventures.It was created by Maxis (Redwood Shores) and published by Electronic Arts.. One of the key new features is the option for Sims to own houseboats. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage is the sixth expansion pack released in The Sims 2 series of PC games.It was released on September 4, 2007 in North America and September 6, 2007 in Europe for Microsoft Windows.For Mac OS X, it was released on December 17, 2007 by Aspyr Media.It is an expansion that focuses mainly on traveling, similar to The Sims: Vacation expansion pack for the original game. The Sims 2 - No Dirty State to Maxis Plates, The Sims 2 - Dannon Light and Fit Strawberry Yogurt. Region. Browse to the Neighbourhood template folder \Bon Voyage\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate\ and do the following: • Back V001 up. The "Housewife Dress" by Anubis 360 at MTS] Buy Mode. Honestly, it's never been my favorite theme. Out of stock. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. A set of Classics can be bought from The Sims 3 Store online, and some Three Lakes items appear in it. The mask has 3 channels, and 3 default color/pattern choices which are shown below. В Північній Америці вийшло 4 вересня 2007, в ЄС та Австралії — 6 вересня 2007. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage (objavljen kao The Sims 2: World Adventure u nekim regijama) je šesta ekspanzija objavljena u The Sims 2 seriji PC igara. I hope you enjoy! Test Content Here. You could send your sims to the world instead of making another sim family. And the bit about worlds from the store? The cellar has a workout room, sauna and nectar making. Souvenirs and Collectables: Purplepaws at MTS; Freetime CAS Clothing. The Sims 3 - Freetime Crib Without Canopy, The Sims 2 - Freetime Canopy Crib without Canopy. Sims 2 Bon Voyage is a great new expansion to explore. ElliotDX at MTS. Release Date EU: 6 Sep 2007. A brand new luxury base camp for France. WA is not a vacation, I wish people would stop calling it that. You mean like how fully using the Seasons EP requires Supernatural and fully using Supernatural requires all of the other EPs? My laptop uses Windows XP, I didn't have any issues with the downloading or any effect with my DVD player. It's available for Young Adult and Adult males. Region. You Make The Sims! The Sims 2 Bon Voyage is an Expansion Pack and requires The Sims 2, The Sims 2 Special DVD Edition, or The Sims 2 Holiday Edition for PC to play. The Sims 2 - World Adventures Earrings for The Sims 2. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage adalah paket ekspansi keenam yang dirilis dalam seri permainan PC The Sims 2.Permainan tersebut dirilis pada 4 September 2007 di Amerika Utara dan 6 September 2007 di Eropa untuk Microsoft Windows.Untuk Mac OS X, permainan tersebut dirilis pada 17 Desember 2007 oleh Aspyr Media.Permainan tersebut adalah sebuah ekspansi yang utamanya berfokus pada perjalanan, mirip … The glitches for that EP's travel system are why it never happened. Check them out. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage Expansion Pack PC. I recently bought a new laptop, and was in the process of installing my game onto the new machine when I encountered this problem. $4.99 shipping. The Sims 2 - Showtime Gnomes for The Sims 2. 1 Bon Voyage Bugs. Hopefully the items will be interactive, and not be plain ol’ decor. Neighbourhoods. They already do this. :roll: I don't think there's room for another Vacation EP. I want real hotels with check in and check out podiums like we had in the sims 2 and we may see those if Island Time is out. This is the Sims 2 Bon Voyage Producer's Walkthrough. Have a meal in the dining room, spend some time in the reading room or the tv room. I've only included the sims3pack file, because this turned out to be a large file, if you want to you can convert it to package using Delphy's sims3pack multi installer, sorry don't have a link handy, just google. Welcome to the The Sims 2: Bon Voyage wiki guide. Have an idea for nursing career, but need your help! The Sims 2: Bon Voyage at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies 1. You’ll need to register these on The Sims 3 website, or redeem your codes for them in Origin. Pirate Eyepatch: EsmeraldaF at MTS; Pirate Hat: EsmeraldaF at MTS; Objects. -I think EA should make a vacation expansion pack for Sims 3. Для Mac OS X реліз відбувся 17 грудня 2007. . Release Date (Mac): 10 Dec 2007. Bon Voyage offers some great expansion content, but the problem is that the program comes with a few bugs that need to be patched before this becomes a permanent fixture in the Sims 2 … The new environments are great, and really feel like a vacation. The mask takes up the accessory category of glasses. -I think EA should make a vacation expansion pack for Sims 3. The Sims 2 - Showtime Earrings for The Sims 2. Here is a pic of a closeup of the mouth, because for some reason my model kept looking slightly downward, TheNinthWaveSims In Case You Missed It Simblr, My Sims 3 Blog (Not MY blog that's just the name), The Sims 2 - TSM Jacobean Fireplace for TS2. @Magi - Thanks for letting us know the link was broken, it has now been fixed. Twikkii Island is a romantic destination with beautiful scenery. Release Date US: 4 Sep 2007. It is the largest of the three vacation destinations. I'd like to see an actual vacation ep too. Platform. For The Sims 2: Bon Voyage on the PC, GameFAQs has 2 guides and walkthroughs. This French Chateau style base camp has lots of interesting things to do after a long day of adventuring. Let's recognise and celebrate our amazing community! , February 12 - Is everyone ready for the Friday Highlights? That was actually the original plan for World Adventures. This really is not a EP...using what is there will not make EA more money. The Best of Business Collection downloaded and installed just fine. Me too, Cat I guess the boat ride and those things were the 1st rabbit holes but it was a vacation and I like the moodlet the sims got. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage for Mac box art packshot jewel case The Sims 2: Bon Voyage for Mac box art packshot jewel case. -Instead of creating more worlds, they could easily just incorporate the stuff into the worlds we already have such as Sunlit Tides if your sims is looking to go somewhere exotic or Monte Vista or any of the World Adventures Worlds if your sim wants to go somewhere historical and learning. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage Direct Download: CD – Crack Serial: WPWE-73NX-QZ4L-DG5L-HKF3 Size: 778 MB. Add to Wish List. Source(s): If you really don't want to do it yourself, in the Sims 3 you can just download people off of the exchange. Be the first to review this product. And when we need Business for open restaurants and stores, and have creative ideas like a Time Travel EP, a Vacation EP would be such a waste. The Sims 3 - World Adventures Large Plant For Tables. For those who are not familiar with these objects or The Sims 2, check out this article on Sims … The mask has 3 channels, and 3 default color/pattern choices which are shown below. For the Mac OS X Operating System, it was released on December 17, 2007 by Aspyr Media. World adventures was a sad attempt at rpg gameplay in the sims, bon voyage was a legit sandbox vacation expansion. 1.1 New Tour Guides Constantly Generated; 1.2 New Speakers are Wrong; 1.3 Swimmable Lots Suddenly Unswimmable; 1.4 Content Cannot Be Deleted in Create-a-Sim; 1.5 Jewelry; 1.6 Force 12 Hour Clock Option Resets; 1.7 Installing Bon Voyage Uninstalls Previous Expansions; 2 Other Bon Voyage Issues I would prefer the bon voyage feel for sure, but world adventure style seems to match the questy goal oriented play of ts4, so that's probably more in the direction it'll go. Objavljena je 4. rujna 2007. u Sjevernoj Americi i 6. rujna 2007. u Europi za Microsoft Windows operativne sustave. The Sims 2 - Grand Duchess Emerald's Mug of Beer D... How to tell a Sims 2 post from a Sims 3 post here, The Sims 3 - Gothic Concept Art (CASTable). Three … The Bon Voyage expansion pack also includes a sauna, which happens to be a Finnish custom all the way from ancient times. ----- System Specs - SBV100 ----- Below is the system specs that are needed just to run Bon Voyage. Release Date UK: 7 Sep 2007. Platform. Coming Soon to the Sims 3 Store, is a “Bon Voyage: Three Lakes” styled Set. There are many community lots here, mainly beach community lots as well as beach hotels, and also two ancient ruins. It's a tomb raider expansion, it has nothing in common with a vacation except that one must travel to get to their destination. … Expand Notify me. The vacation EP is called World Adventures. Check to make sure you can run The Sims 2. Test Content Here. You will be notified when the item is back in stock. Looking back, it is very impressive at how much stuff they have put in here. So your sims can't wear glasses when they wear this mask, but there wouldn't really be much point in that anyway. The Sims 2 - Ceiling Air Conditioner Vent. Sims 3 Custom Career: Law (From the Sims 2: Seasons). Sims 2 Bon Voyage: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guides) by Greg Kramer | Sep 4, 2007. Below you'll find the vacation hot spots, vacation homes and so forth. Ever since September 2004, your Sims have been working tirelessly per your command. I love the points you receive after returning from a vacation. Aspyr Media. It's available for Young Adult and Adult males. The Sims 2: Bon Voyage v1.10.0.130 +3 TRAINER; The Sims 2: Bon Voyage v1.10.0.122 +1 TRAINER; Game Tools: The Sims 2: Bon Voyage BONUS PACK; Important Serial Info: Keep in mind that the files listed on this page do NOT circumvent the Serial or STEAM online activation/authentication! You have three different location spots in the game. Worldwide. Origin. Over 2,000 All Free Downloads for The Sims 1,2,3, and 4 in almost all areas! The Sims 2 - Showtime Aloe Floor Plant for The Sims 2. I like you ideas but EA will not do them. Paperback $19.95 $ 19. This is The Sims 2 Bon Voyage Hidden Tiki Mask for men for The Sims 3. And I'm sure since WA also turned out different than BV, most likely there will be a vacation EP as well. Write A Review. I love the points you receive after returning from a vacation. Considering that, The Sims 2: Bon Voyage is an expansion for The Sims 2 and is well over a decade old. Add to Wish List. There are beaches, the woods …
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