They say an ability to work hard distinguishes a man from other animals. Remi Roy. Consider sending a card or note of encouragement to someone today. “Courage doesn’t always roar. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can do literally anything. To the people who love you, you are beautiful already. Even if you think your life is over, just stop for a second and think about tomorrow. 5. 45: You are doing a wonderful job as a mother to your lovely kids. Image: If they use their time on activities that will help them improve their craft or skills, they can expect better results in the long run. BONUS: Cool Items of Encouraging Words You Can Give to a Friend, Fidus Large 1 Gallon/128oz Motivational Water Bottle with Time Marker & Straw,Leakproof Tritan BPA Free Water Jug,Ensure You Drink Enough Water Daily for Fitness,Gym and Outdoor Sports. You cannot change the past, So leave behind all your mistakes, And everything that made you cry, But don’t forget to learn the lesson. Everything has its price. 8. You are the most talented and unique person I know, and being able to see you becoming everything you’ve ever wanted to be is amazing. Be their source of positivity when they’re going through tough times. Good friends not only bring joy into our lives, but they also share our grief so we don’t have to carry the burden alone. “Life is very interesting. They can be guideposts that will direct your friend to the right path. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. There’s still … Negative circumstances become more bearable with friends around. We will all miss him/her/you dearly. But there’s no need to. They may not know it right now, but they have the power to turn their pains into their strengths. 29. “Your dreams can take you much higher and much farther than anyone ever thought possible!” -Buzz Aldrin (Click to tweet). I believe in you, buddy! “Relentless people move mountains. Never stop dreaming, fella. A recent study done by Harvard showed that people who are in healthy relationships live longer, more fruitful lives. Depression is a thing you can’t control, it may hit you at 3AM or it may hit you at 3PM when you’re with your friends in the middle of a joke. Hard times hit everyone, but only the strongest survive. Everything will be okay. 30. You should know that the more you work the more experience you have. Remind your friend that they are not defined by their circumstances. Encouraging messages to a loved one can be hard to form, especially when you want to say the right thing. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” -Gandhi (Click to tweet). Use these scripture, quotes and words of affirmation to encourage, lift up and support the dear friends God has put in your life. #2 By you being you, you have accomplished all you need to. The power of an encouraging word or thought should not be underestimated. Even if the situation seems hopeless now, it’s not a reason to give up. You are absolutely, unbelievably incredible, and I will do anything to make you believe in yourself. Features a blank back so you can add your own additional note should you choose! By setting their sights on the future, they’ll feel motivated to overcome whatever situation they’re in. Just because things didn’t work out as planned, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. Fight for your dreams, never let anyone break you down by saying that you can‘t do something. They can help your friend take control of their response to any circumstance. Some days are stormy, but it cannot rain forever! The golden rule for people suffering depression is to stay open and tell your troubles to your friends and family. If they believe they can accomplish great things, then they will. Don‘t believe anyone who tells you are weak, cause everyone has a great reserve of inner strength. 22. You always choose the first option. Just a little patience. On this page we present you a large collection of encouraging messages for friends that will lift spirit up for starting a new day on a positive note. But, when he gets better, you’ll look back on this appreciate the strength it has engendered in you both. Some people achieve in life much more than the others. “… if we deliberately seek encouragement (motivation) on a daily basis, it will become a habit and enable us to get ahead and stay ahead in life.” -Zig Ziglar (Click to tweet). Use these Words of Encouragement quotes to encourage and comfort your friends and others in your life. With enough determination, they can achieve anything they set their mind to. These words are the best ways to rebuild lost confidence and restore lost hope. Be a friend. Focus and Zeal Motivational and Inspirational Success Quote Cards in Black and White by Historically Famous Leaders and Innovators - Business Card Size, 30 pcs. Nothing is impossible to a person who is determined to make the impossible possible. Hard work is worth every second of your life, because it always pays off, even if you think it doesn’t. A true friend is someone who thinks you are a good egg even though he knows you are slightly cracked. I know sometimes you want to give up, but every time you’re about to just remember how it started. How do you lift a friend who is feeling down? Never give up and wait for the sun to come! But instead of being a source of discouragement, they can be a signal to recalibrate your life. 6. Thanks for signing up! Wherever you’ll see them! Depression is something you have in your mind, but you can change it. The struggle you face today develops the strength you will need tomorrow. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” -Mary Anne Radmacher (Click to tweet). You are the smartest, the most talented, the wisest person I know, therefore you can do anything. Imagine you are the sky and depression is like clouds. When sending such words, let it be a kind of sympathy message that would touch the heart and a comforting word to say when someone dies. Just keep going! When your friend is down, remind them of their relentless spirit. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” -Eleanor Roosevelt (Click to tweet). Hard work is very exhausting, but it doesn’t matter how many days or nights you’ll spend doing your work, because after you succeed you’ll rest on your laurels for many-many days! You shouldn’t stop fighting no matter how many obstacles there are on your way. The best thing that has ever happened to me, everything I need. 11. “No matter how tall the mountain is, it cannot block the sun.” -Chinese proverb (Click to tweet). You’ll get through this and everything is going to be okay very soon. I’ve always admired you. If someone left you, fine, let them leave and make room for something better. No matter what you do, no matter where you are. GREAT MOTIVATION NOTE: Leave this encouraging cards in your friends and families backpack or school lunchboxes to uplift and motivate them GREAT INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE GIFTS: Printed in premium card stock in business card size, this inspirational business card paper is a great gifts for employees and companion. 18. 17. 45 Words Of Encouragement For Friends - Affirmations for the Soul! A very insightful quote about not giving up. A willing heart trumps all fears. You are important and valued! 2. “Wishing that each day brings your renewed strength, brighter times and a healthier happy you. Hard times are not a curse – it’s a gift. Everything will work out. Happiness is always worth waiting for it. Make some coffee, relax and just read a book or turn your favourite music on. You will get through this! You can’t give it all up halfway. Just don’t unpack and live there. The following is a hand-selected collection of encouraging quotes to be used to lift the spirits of a friend. The hardest part is to start. “Don’t forget you’re human. Life is wise and gives hard times to the strongest people, because life knows that others are already crawling on their knees. Here are those words of encouragement to comfort a friend in need and make them feel better about themselves. It’s your future self, your dreams, your friends and family. You have to move on no matter what. Your feelings are honest reflections of what wants to be healed and heard. 16. There is an old saying, “Hard work never killed nobody”. A friend who can stand by your side and say, “you will make through this phase”, is the one you need. Encourage your friend to seek encouragement instead of dwelling in their negative situation. Why should you stay in this depression? Stop thinking and start doing. Greatness requires action. Clever people always face obstacles on their way. If a person has the heart to succeed, they will do everything in their power to overcome difficulties. You are loved more than you can fathom. Just wait a little bit and you’ll see that bad times are always followed by good times. But what if your pillar of support is the one going through a tough time? We start to get the urge to give everything up, but we should keep in mind that it’s just a life’s trick and we should resist the temptation to give up. What you can accomplish! Whether they allow it to make or break them, the choice is ultimately up to them. With every day I admire you even more, I don’t think there is anything you cannot do. It’ll give you strength. Sign up below to get our FREE e-book "8 Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Motivation Everyday!". It really, really is okay to not feel okay. You are the most smart and ambitious person I know, so basically nothing can stop you. You are amazing in each and every way, you have the kindest soul and the brightest mind. And what your potential is.” – Anne Frank (Click to tweet). If you are looking for encouraging words for someone joining the military training?You have come to the right place. So you should feel like a blessed person, because life thinks you’re strong enough. There’s nothing wrong in being scared of the unknow. And the way they deal with them, shows how strong they are. Challenges and difficulties are a part of life and words of encouragement can often help you get out of your rut. Depression is a phase on the path of becoming a happy person, so don’t be afraid. Solid friendships aren’t just good for the soul, they’re also great for your health. If your friend has lost a beloved one, you can send these words of condolences as a source of encouragement. You can do literally anything. College ruled paper; 16 sheets/32 pages Inner page: 80g offset paper; cover: 250g cardstock 3.5 x 5 inches. Cry as hard as you need, but when you stop crying, make sure that you‘ll never shed a tear for the same reason again. Never forget the reason why you started all this work. Your friendship means so much to me, far more than words can say and even though we’re far apart, I think of you each day. But you’ll never “make it” by sitting on your duff and telling the world how great you’re going to be, starting tomorrow.” -Og Mandino (Click to tweet). 3.“When you are feeling down, look at the skies. INSPIRATIONAL CARD: Wake up everyday and be motivated to pursue your goals and dreams with our inspirational wallet cards. They can, because they have a strong belief that they can. “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” -Albert Einstein (Click to tweet). Show them your sympathy and condolences as your words can surely make them feel better. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” Said by Thomas Aquinas. Help your friend get through the bad times by being their pillar of support. Nothing sounds sweeter than words of motivation after a terrible fall. We all are people and from time to time we get tired. To get good results in the future, one must do their best at the moment. We’re all familiar with the cliche: birds of the same feather flock together. Everything will be fine if your heart is full of light. If you are wondering what to say to someone recovering from surgery, here are 125 positive words of encouragement after surgery for friends and family that will bring your loved one healing. 27. Sometimes we just don’t know what to say to a friend who is going through a really hard time. These are short inspirational quotes for business and success. There’s nothing holding you back. Relentless people achieve miracles.” -Wayne Allyn Root (Click to tweet). Love ya! Restore your friend’s faith in people by sharing inspirational stories of extraordinary personalities who tirelessly work to make the world a better place. Again, success isn’t found in not failing, but in choosing to get up after a fall. Even a hundred of bad days is worth waiting for a good and happy day. What you can do is keep holding on and live your life. I believe in you, always have and always will. A bad day is a little nuisance, but not a horrible tragedy. Hard work is worth your sweat and every injury, because it gives you experience, teaches you a lesson and eventually all your expended efforts will be justified. Good friends don’t just pick you up when you feel like you’re falling apart, they’re also there to knock some sense into you when you’re about to do something stupid. Every time when you’re about to give up, just remember what a long way you have come. I know you guys can get through this.” Don’t forget to remind your friend that this situation will not last forever.
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