He was the first in thousands of years to attain the status of Super Saiyan, and virtually every following Super Saiyan came from his inspiration. This is all nice and dandy, but all the answers so far miss the fact that Goku is not facing a single multiversal (and this is an incredible understatement) opponent, he's going to be facing TRILLIONS on the lower end. Who's the strongest xeno character that's much stronger than their Z counterpart after Goku, although, namekians, majin beings and members of Freeza's race can become allies and part of the Time Patrol crew (check the Xenoverse video games series), Oh wow that's cool. Heard some funky shits for him which i'm not sure is legitimate or just someone blowing it all out of proportion. Also xeno goku himself is multiversal. Nintendo vs Shõnen Jump? This is a answer I want to ask. Since both of them is multiverse level. Origin: Dragon Ball Heroes. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Even if he could touch her or erase her from existence she could always comeback, as long as the concept of Cycles still exist, and I doubt Xeno Goku could delete concepts. Stamina: Extremely High (Xeno Goku can transform and maintain forms like Kaioken which would usually put a massive strain on his body. Also can fight battles with little to no Ki). Feats •Passively affecting all of time by going SS4 •Swapped hands with SS4 Dark Broly, and Ultimate Mira • AkhilPDX 23 h 4 m . However, he has softer eyes, a kind demeanor, and a lighter pale skin complexion from his mother, Xeno Gine. Xeno Goku defeated the TF of Demigra. Xeno Goku can only use it in this instance because he was in the Demon Realm- a place without Time. Last edited: 1 d ago. I been hearing how this version of Goku is actually multiversal and has lot going for him to be one of the most powerful versions of Goku. Feb 1, 2018. Range: Extended Melee Range. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 3 PokeMeAndDie. So lowballed mastered ultra instinct goku is with my knowledge multiversal. Hmm, I think I would give it to Xeno Goku. He was soon f… Xeno Goku is multiversal in base Regarding goku look at the multipliers for Broly and apply them for goku but higher especially if goku get something else in the new arc . ! How would they fare against Marvel Now? Classification:Saiya-jin. MUI goku would be around that level too. Genuinely curious. Traded blows with Demigra, Mira, and other Dragon Ball Top-Tiers), Stamina: Extremely High (Xeno Goku can transform and maintain forms like Kaioken which would usually put a massive strain on his body. He has 3 bangs hanging to … The season 1 finale is brought up by an explosive clash of gods!! Xeno Goku vs Rune King Thor. Perhaps Xeno Goku's most distinguishing physical characteristic is his spiky black hair. Multi-Universal with portals. He gets very high up there as well. How powerful is he? Xeno Goku in this timeline performed the Super Saiyan God ritual and absorbed his "God Ki" into his various Super Saiyan transformations. It is stated many times that Dragon Ball's multiverse is infinite in size, with the structure containing infinite paths and an infinite number of possibilities that represent the future, https://omniversal-battlefield.fandom.com/wiki/Xeno_Goku?oldid=49466. Xeno Goku can only use it in this instance because he was in the Demon Realm- a place without Time. There's a page for Reinhard on the OBD wiki so anyone interested can go check that i guess. Do we see Angels,Gods n stuff too get increases in power? Multi-Universal with ki blasts and attacks. i am gonna use the composite version of SSJ4 Xeno Kakarot (video games, manga and anime). I am still not know how to post general discussion thread guys. MUI goku: 384 000 000 universes, 4 dimensional power (infinite 3 dimensional), keeps growing in strenght Also fought Mira whose power was said to be able to tear apart entire Dimensions), Durability: Multiverse Level+ (Seemingly was going to survive the collapse of the entire Dragon Ball Multiverse. Zeno is not omnipotent. I am not complete aware about chinese mythology, so i can only going with the statements i saw here. Also can fight battles with little to no Ki) Range: Extended Melee Range. Theres multiple Zenos in different timelines meaning that hes not beyond the concept of time meaning hes not Omnipotent Gender:Male. Xeno Goku is stronger than Demigra who threatens timelines. At some point in history, an Alternate Goku mysteriously finds his way to the Supreme Kai of Time and becomes a huge ally in the endeavours of the Time Patrollers. | MFTL+. That Background Character Well-Known Member. JavaScript is disabled. MUI goku managed too beat jiren while he was at full power. Classification: Saiyan God, Time Patroller, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Chi Manipulation (Both offensively and defensively), Can sense and read Ki, Enhanced Senses, Explosion Manipulation, Flight, Reactive Evolution (As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Afterimage Creation, Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once), Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light to blind the opponent), Analytical Prediction, Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Flight, Danmaku, Time Paradox Immunity, Non-Physical Interaction, Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities), Shockwaves Generation, Absorption, Life-Force Absorption (Using "Draw", he can damage opponents by sucking out their life energy, which he can then use to heal himself), Healing (Can heal others, carries Senzu Beans with him), Information Analysis, Probability Manipulation, Telepathy (Can telepathically communicate with others and read minds), Telekinesis, Teleportation, BFR, Dimensional Travel, Spatial Manipulation (Anyone with God Ki can open holes in space to summon meteors. Xeno Goku is not infinite multiversal. @supersonictl: Goku dies, because Madoka is an Omnipresent Concept, and exist all around the multiverse, also she could rewrite, and warp universes with ease. As a baby, Goku was sent to Earth prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta in order to fulfill his mission and wipe out all life on the planet, conquering it. At some point in history, an alternative timeline is born when Goku becomes a fundamental ally to the Time Patrol under the Supreme Kai of Time and takes a full-on job as a Time Patroller. Goku: Xeno's personality is identical to his main counterpart's. However, due to falling down a ravine and sustaining what would be a fatal injury to the average human, Goku lost all of his memories relating to his mission and his origins. Age:Unknown. Ok so heroes is so ridiculous that you have to specify which heroes version now. He's definitely multiverse level, but nowhere near Ultimate Madoka's level... and even then, he still has … Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. Goku: Xeno is an incarnation of Goku from a world separate to the main timeline who is a member of the Time Patrol. the Xeno versions are Time Patrol users/warriors = good guys, Ah ok thanks. Zeno Sama & Grand Priest @AkhilPDX base Xeno Goku is complex multiversal, he is enough to beat odin and thor together. Pokèmon vs DBZ! | Multiverse Level.| Intelligence:Martial Arts genius/prodigy, able to learn attacks by seeing them used only once, skills honed and s… Omniversal Battlefield Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Pedrof 23 h 30 s . At some point in history, an alternative timeline is born when Goku becomes a fundamental ally to the Time Patrol under the Supreme Kai of Time and takes a full-on the job as a Time Patroller. Xeno Goku defeated Demigra who's Avatars created a multiverse. Multi-Universal with ki blasts and attacks. Don't really like multiversal vs debates myself, it's usually not worth the energy. It was later revealed to contain infinite universes, making it a multiverse. I think i played XV2, they get upgrades too, via powerscaling from other characters. You are using an out of date browser. Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is the spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features. Seriously everything presented boil down to 'absorption', 'reality warping' and 'multiversal', which Xeno Goku already faced and defeated in a much weaker form than MUI, which hasn't even appeared yet in DBH, at least not on the Xeno side … The one that can go Super Saiyan 4 with god ki. He is incredibly wise in his techniques and has pushed his training to limits that only those such as Vegeta can feasibly keep up with. Can create his own space/dimension), Time Manipulation (Can create a dimension in which time is slowed), Pocket Reality Manipulation, Summoning (Can summon Shenron or Super Shenron), Statistics Amplification (Goku can greatly enhance his capabilities with Kaio-ken, by potentially up to one hundred times), Statistics Reduction (Can reduce enemy's power to 1), Rage Power, Transformation (Can transform into a Super Saiyan, increasing his capabilities drastically), Can possibly create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy, Heat Generation, Reactive Evolution, and Regeneration (Low, over time) as a Super Saiyan 4, Damage Reduction, Can reduce enemy's Damage Reduction by 50%, Fusionism (Via Fusion Dance), Purification (Can purify Dark Demonic energy), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Survived after drinking the Water of the Gods), Absorption, Sleep Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Empathic Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God), Soul Manipulation (Survived attacks from Shroom that targeted his soul), Mind Manipulation (Demigra couldn't take over his mind and make him a Time Breaker), Magic, Law Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation (Demigra questioned why his magic wouldn't work on him), Temporal BFR (Was unaffected by one of Demigra's attacks, which had sent Beat through time), Time Manipulation (Goku is far more powerful than lesser Demon Gods, who were unaffected by Chronoa's time-based abilities), Time Stop (Repeatedly resisted Hit's attempts to freeze him in time until Hit powered up further), Morality Manipulation, Possession, Madness Manipulation, Corruption (Able to resist the effects of dark energy), Power Nullification (Beings with divinity cannot be affected by Android 21's waves, which can nullify powers), Memory Manipulation (Android 21's waves have also shown to be able to erase memories), and Unholy Manipulation (Can resist Demonic Magic), Destructive Ability: Multiverse Level+ (Defeated Demigra, who was destroying the entire Dragon Ball Multiverse and its Space-Time. Welcome to the forums! Not only that, but the fact that they still use SSJ's finite multipliers to gain advantages in … Xeno Goku(gonna remake this thread) Attack Potentcy: High Multiversal+ possibly Low Complex Multiversal:Defeated Demigra who was going to the destroy the “Real World” which views DBH as fiction which should be infinitely above infinite Timelines. Pretty sure Xeno Goku >>>>>>>>>> DBS, anime or manga, Xeno Goku DAN DAN Fists Zeno while this plays in the background. Xenoverse Goku defeated Demigra, who was affecting numerously timelines simultaneously (and timelines = universe in DB). i enjoy DBH for the overpowered power levels, some cool designs and the many what if forms and what if battles, Yeah it is amazing to see SSJ4 fucking Gohan, DBH SSJ4 Kakarot and Vegeta are far stronger to their GT versions who are at least solar system level+, So Solar System+ level to possibly Universal+ Bardock. Zeno Sama & Grand Priest vs Odin # Odin Xenoverse is an extension but Odin still solos. | Durability: | Multiverse Level. Xeno Goku is listed as multiversal and more powerful than this Goku, yet when Xeno Goku faces off against this exact version of Goku in the Prison Planet manga, he admits that Super Saiyan Blue Goku from after the Universal Survival Arc is … How strong is Xeno Goku though? However, by the events of the Prison Planet Saga, Goku: Xeno's time as a Time Patroller matured him considerably, showing to be far more responsible to the task at hand. I just found it interesting that he is that powerful. Are you using g the more powerful manga version from the earlier times? In a positive term way. Take a second to look at our. Still get bodied by High Tier Skyfathers and Abstracts I assume? It is stated many times that Dragon Ball's multiverse is infinite in size, with the structure containing infinite paths and an infinite number of possibilities that represent the future), Speed: Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with various Top-Tiers such as Demigra, Mira, and Towa, who have shown they can traverse other universes with sheer speed and are superior to Buu Saga characters), Striking Ability: Multiversal+ (Traded blows with Demigra, who was destroying the entire Dragon Ball Multiverse. Xeno Goku The games are non Canon actually, Canon is the anime a.k.a DBS, while Xeno Goku is from DBH non Canon fan Service game. Xeno Goku in this timeline performed the Super Saiyan God ritual and absorbed his "God Ki" into his various Super Saiyan transformations. Multi-Universal with portals. although, even from his video game version which is the main canon, Xeno Kakarot was already likely multiversal he defeated in his SSJ1 form, Demigra Makyouka = who was affecting and ready to raze the DBH multiverse and Beat's (the avatar of the main player in DBH) world too Timelines in Heroes and Xenoverse are not infinite, as timelines are created through manual changes in time made by time travels. I've seen people say he's like, 5D or something, more powerful than Zeno, can Curbstomp every single version of Superman, etc. Born a pure-blooded Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Son Gokuis the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, and is one of the last remaining members of his warrior race. So, Is Goku Multiversal in DBS or no. Jan 10, 2021 #12,408 Claudio Swiss said: Taking place at some point in the future of the Original's story, Goku gains immense knowledge and strength, becoming a "God" of Gokus. Intelligence: Combat Genius (Despite his lack of knowledge out of battle, Goku is a prodigal combatant. Superior to Toki-Toki who's eggs were going to used to merge Universe 7 and The Demon Realm together, his powers also gave Demigra absolute control over the entire Space-Time of Universe 7 and its structure. Damn that's crazy af. What about characters like Xeno Buu,Freiza etc are they alot stronger too? The Multiverse basically implodes on itself because Ultra Instinct is far more powerful than Super Saiyan 4 which Goku promised not to use ever because it'd basically fuck time itself. I don't mean Xenoverse Goku, i mean Xeno Goku, from Heroes. Tier: | I-1| Destructive Capacity: | Multiverse Level (Capable of battling Demigra in his Giant Demon God form). | Multiverse Level | Speed: | MFTL+. He destroyed Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Strongest Version Goku vs Strongest Version Thor. 100% jiren would be 384 000 000 universes. He is even more experienced than his GT counterpart due to all his additional years of fighting, and is here not limited by the desire to fight stronger opponents, doing what is necessary to preserve the multiverse), List of Equipment: The Power Pole and a patch of Senzu Beans. Xeno Goku would have a good Chance against TOAA, a being who failed to stop a Multi dimensional Crisis. There is a reason to give it to him and I will explain right now. #29. Name:Son Goku, Xeno Son Goku. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.

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